Practice 30 moon landings with a simulator.
Change the gravity setting and successfully do it on the 31st try.
When Neil Armstrong did it, the final approach and landing were done "by the seat of your pants" --- there was no computer used. The de-orbit burn did use a primitive computer. The final approach and landing did not use a computer.
The craft was not flying (no air), it was translating.
There was no aerodynamic stability. - The was no aerodynamics.
When you successfully do it, post a screenshot. :)
...and NASA wanted to shut down the LLRV/LLTV program....
WHY would NASA want to do that?
That just didn't make any sense if you were going to do a man guided moon landing.
NASA has been exposed many times using unknown and unproven data. I suggest that anything produced by them be scrutinized and then compared to other data sets.