posted ago by turtlebam ago by turtlebam +9 / -1

Iran is also working for the jews!! They went along with convid didn't they? Their parliament building is freemasonic and many jewish families comprise the Iranian elites (some claim they converted to Islam, others are still openly jewish)

Johnny Gat did a piece on Iran:

What is happening in Iran is what had already happened in Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia needed a "system update", because it would be more practical if they moved away from Islamic fundamentalism into the new more modern jewish system of control (hedonism, atheism, working as a slave to pay your bank loan, feminism, LGBTQ etc...)

So.... years back, Ben Salman just swooped in, took full control, jailed any possible religious clerks and started an "entertainment" committee and started phasing out religion and phasing in "entertainment".

The system in Iran is more complex and they cannot just do that since the religious system is far more widespread in a way. Although on the surface Saudis appear to be more religious but in fact, Saudis are more akin to an obedient bedouin tribe which can more easily take orders without thinking or protesting, BTW The name "Saudi" is just the name of the "Royal" family which basically owns their "Saudi" sheeple: the "Saud family" (Imagine the Bush family taking power in America and everyone calling himself a "Bushie" and being proud to be a slave to the Bush family).

Iranians on the other hand are more intelligent, and Mullah system of control is well entrenched. They can't just tell the army generals, bureaucrats, old clerks, etc.. to accept the drastic changes proposed. So the real elite in Iran has to go through "tumultuous" revolutionary change in order to change the ruling system into a new updated one.

With time, things will be more clear as the results of what's happening. There are of course more details to this and actual in-fighting and it's not certain if the jewish elite will get the change they want this time, but I think this overall abstracted image should give a better view on things.