John Travolta played a character named “Vinnie Barbarino” in a 70’s TV show called Welcome Back, Kotter (sitcom ran for 7 years). The real Vincent “Vinnie” Barbarino (6 years old) was murdered in John Travolta’s hometown of Lodi in New Jersey. Vincent Barbarino was raped and stabbed multiple times in a ritualistic manner at a construction site and left in a “water” truck in Lodi NJ according to police. Citizens of the area kept their children inside for weeks after the unsolved murder. The case against brother Joseph Barbarino “a plumber” for Vincent’s murder was opened “33” years later.
Astrologically Vinnie’s murder occurred during a peak time of spell casting while Jupiter was in sagittarius (jupiter rules sagittarius). For Travolta (an aquarius, remember the victim was found in a “water” truck: prob just a coincidence) this would be a “powerful” spell if the moon and jupiter were in sagittarius. (remember it’s not what we believe it’s what they do).
There was DNA evidence collected at the scene of Vinnie Barbarino’s murder (body and construction site) but was not allowed to be submitted and denied by the judge for some “unknown” not publicly available reason. Most of the web pages describing details of the case (other than stories about Vincent brother’s arrest and conviction) have been scrubbed. Wayback machine link:
Ironically, as previously stated, John Travolta’s first claim to fame was the hit sitcom “Welcome Back Kotter” where he played a character named “Vinnie Barbarino” (the name of the boy who was murdered in Travolta’s hometown).
Travolta’s first movie was “Devil’s Rain”. The basic plot of “Devil’s Rain” is about a cult which has a cult following, was devised with input from a cult leader (Church of Satan, Anton Lavey), and saw a future superstar indoctrinated into a cult he'd help popularize. The plot mirrors John Travolta and his role in the cult of Scientology.
Coincidentally, on the 2 year anniversary of Vincent Barbarino’s murder, the novel “Carrie” by Stephen King was released on April 5, 1974. This book would be the basis of John Travolta’s first big break in the movie industry, by taking a lead role in the Horror flick “Carrie”.
Skip the rest if numbers and math hurt your publicly educated brain:
The case of vinnie barbarino’s murder was coded with 777. 777 is the master number of God/heaven which is why it is used in the occult for casting master spells, to defy God and claim the “Crown”. For example, in the joowish alphanumeric cipher, “king of kings and lord of lords” equals 777. 7 seals, 7 trumpets, 7 bowls in revelation etc, Elvis Presley’s (the “king” of kings) full name equals 777 (died on “the throne” (toilet)) reading “search for the face of Jesus”, number on his plane was 777, 777 encoded in money, 37x(3x7)=777 (37 and 73 represent an upside down reverse EL the Hebrew word for God), In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth=777 many examples.
777 in Satanic cipher:
Vinnie Barbarino (victim)
Freemasonic lies
Sacrifices to god
Sanctum Sanctorum
Beast of the earth
The hexagram mark
Save the children
The Vatican snake
777 Reverse Satanic Cipher:
Joseph Barbarino (alleged murderer, Vinnie’s Brother)
Welcome Back Kotter (ran for 7 years)
Occultic Knowledge
Satanic Freemasons
Planned Parenthood
The Jews are to blame
Dark side of the moon
april 5th 1972. start of the season of sacrifice. april 2nd 1972 was easter sundy.