As far as the topic is concerned it's a giant hoax. A tech gimmick, fuelling consumption and consumerism. There is nothing clean or green about it. The products are some of the most service intensive in history, requiring more parts, and maintenance, and energy. They are made largely from plastics, acids, and rare earth metals, and they are largely non recyclable. Solar panels are stacking up like rubber tyres, billions and billions of tonnes of their waste. Same with Ewaste. Warehouses and warehouse full of a non perishables. But they perish even more rapidly, having no lifetime. The lie is they don't emit like combustion, or fossil fuels. But they are made out of increasing electronics. Above from fossil fuels.
Electronics break the quickest out of any products ever made in history. Panels batteries and turbines are no exception. Like every other electronic. The entire time they are simply requiring more energy usage, becoming more reliant on the grid, increasing in its demand and costs. At the same time dystopia. More debt from the demand, more monitoring, more services. They emit EMR, cancers, brain diseases, and a heap of pollution. Read about LED lights. Light pollution, electric radiation, cancer masts killing wildlife.
It is such a con. A society hell bent on its needs to consume even more. Not less. Far more use and energy is required, using far more services to get anything to work, using products with no lifetime, changing daily for bigger numbers and another model.
How can anybody be so gullible is their level of attention today.
I like nuclear.
The ugly side is that it can create weapons.
Whatever happened to the non-weaponable thorium reactors?
Thorium reactors can still enrich.
As far as the topic is concerned it's a giant hoax. A tech gimmick, fuelling consumption and consumerism. There is nothing clean or green about it. The products are some of the most service intensive in history, requiring more parts, and maintenance, and energy. They are made largely from plastics, acids, and rare earth metals, and they are largely non recyclable. Solar panels are stacking up like rubber tyres, billions and billions of tonnes of their waste. Same with Ewaste. Warehouses and warehouse full of a non perishables. But they perish even more rapidly, having no lifetime. The lie is they don't emit like combustion, or fossil fuels. But they are made out of increasing electronics. Above from fossil fuels.
Electronics break the quickest out of any products ever made in history. Panels batteries and turbines are no exception. Like every other electronic. The entire time they are simply requiring more energy usage, becoming more reliant on the grid, increasing in its demand and costs. At the same time dystopia. More debt from the demand, more monitoring, more services. They emit EMR, cancers, brain diseases, and a heap of pollution. Read about LED lights. Light pollution, electric radiation, cancer masts killing wildlife.
It is such a con. A society hell bent on its needs to consume even more. Not less. Far more use and energy is required, using far more services to get anything to work, using products with no lifetime, changing daily for bigger numbers and another model.
How can anybody be so gullible is their level of attention today.