What if suggested civilization represents the domestication of men by weaker men to allow them access to women?
CIVIL, adjective "relating to the community"
Do you represent one (singular) or community (plural)? If others suggest you community (e pluribus unum aka out of many;one) and you consent; then you submit to them; hence your choice being domesticated by theirs to follow suggested orders; while ignoring to be the resistance (living) within the natural order (process of dying).
How about this...the choice of civil disobedience implies the choice to be obedient beforehand. Does the following sound familiar? OBE'DIENT, adjective [Latin obediens.] - "submissive to authority; yielding compliance with commands"
What if suggested civilization represents the domestication of men by weaker men to allow them access to women?
Do you represent one (singular) or community (plural)? If others suggest you community (e pluribus unum aka out of many;one) and you consent; then you submit to them; hence your choice being domesticated by theirs to follow suggested orders; while ignoring to be the resistance (living) within the natural order (process of dying).
How about this...the choice of civil disobedience implies the choice to be obedient beforehand. Does the following sound familiar? OBE'DIENT, adjective [Latin obediens.] - "submissive to authority; yielding compliance with commands"