Your consent to what is being suggested is what exponentially grows the power for those making suggestions. You consent your imagination into suggestions shaped by their free will of choice. You willingly fell for the temptation of suggested will by others, and your reactions are now utilized to propagate the suggesting will of others.
Your will represents the resistance to whatever others SHOW, verb - "to exhibit or present to the view of others". Others cannot suggest perceivable reality without ignoring that it is perceivable before they can make suggestions about it.
It short...reality represents the show that must go on (perceivable process of dying). Those living within it can be tempted by suggestion to ignore resisting it, hence sitting on their asses, while watching the shows of others.
There's no BUSINESS, noun - "the subject of employment (mind at work)" like show-business.
overlaying reality...the results are mind boggling
Suggested information overlays perceivable inspiration if consented to; which then causes ones mind to BOG'GLE, verb - "to doubt; to hesitate; to stop, as if afraid to proceed, or as if impeded by unforeseen difficulties; to dissemble; to embarrass with difficulties".
Meanwhile one ignores being the perceiving consequence (result) of a perceivable origin. Temporary mind (memory) needs to adapt to origin of ongoing inspiration; otherwise it diminishes in function.
All magic suggests effects (suggested) to tempt others to consent to ignore cause (perceivable).
"Project Blue beam" was actually just ripped off star trek scripts. Serge monast is full of shit .
Star trek is full of spooks. It's basically a continuation of the outer limits (in space), especially TOS. Because they've been channelling some entity claiming to be the Egyptian pantheon which was called "the council of nine".
Aliens are here, have always been, and our governments have been communicating with them. The idea they're going to hoax an invasion is... a star trek script hoax
And this is only what they're willing to show. Wild times dudes.
Your consent to what is being suggested is what exponentially grows the power for those making suggestions. You consent your imagination into suggestions shaped by their free will of choice. You willingly fell for the temptation of suggested will by others, and your reactions are now utilized to propagate the suggesting will of others.
Your will represents the resistance to whatever others SHOW, verb - "to exhibit or present to the view of others". Others cannot suggest perceivable reality without ignoring that it is perceivable before they can make suggestions about it.
It short...reality represents the show that must go on (perceivable process of dying). Those living within it can be tempted by suggestion to ignore resisting it, hence sitting on their asses, while watching the shows of others.
There's no BUSINESS, noun - "the subject of employment (mind at work)" like show-business.
Suggested information overlays perceivable inspiration if consented to; which then causes ones mind to BOG'GLE, verb - "to doubt; to hesitate; to stop, as if afraid to proceed, or as if impeded by unforeseen difficulties; to dissemble; to embarrass with difficulties".
Meanwhile one ignores being the perceiving consequence (result) of a perceivable origin. Temporary mind (memory) needs to adapt to origin of ongoing inspiration; otherwise it diminishes in function.
All magic suggests effects (suggested) to tempt others to consent to ignore cause (perceivable).
"Project Blue beam" was actually just ripped off star trek scripts. Serge monast is full of shit .
Star trek is full of spooks. It's basically a continuation of the outer limits (in space), especially TOS. Because they've been channelling some entity claiming to be the Egyptian pantheon which was called "the council of nine".
Aliens are here, have always been, and our governments have been communicating with them. The idea they're going to hoax an invasion is... a star trek script hoax