posted ago by xolotltlaloc ago by xolotltlaloc +3 / -0

To put it another way:

It is well know that the Rothschilds were the paramount founders of the State of Israel -- following WW2 -- and the invention / fabrication / promotion of the United Nations -- specifically to "recognize Israel" -- all Rothschild-driven.

Tell me with a straight face that Rothschilds have no influence.

My question is.... how much influence do they have today - in 2022?

Does Israel control the Rothschilds?

Or do the Rothschilds control Israel?

Too simple?

How about this...

Does Israel/Epstein have pedo-pics of Jacob Rothschild?

No... probably not.

i.e., Rothschilds control Israel (probably).

OK OK how about this...

Is Jacob Rothschild able to pass target mandates to Israel/Mossad for harassment / elimination?

Yes, probably.

i.e., Rothschilds control Israel (probably).

ps. don't take it too seriously... ... just spitballing...