you are looking at electricity production but ignoring the 5 quadrillion BTU americans are using to heat them selves their water and to cook with.
which will require an other 1500TWh/year
and an other 2500TWh/year for transport (if you believe that is ever going to get electrified at a significant percentage)
Building a couple of new nuclear plants near big population and industry centers would help with that transition.
There is also the little secret that the nuclear arsenal needs to be overhauled
The US has uranium reserves and the US needs to maintain the technology or risk loosing it like it practically did space faring
you are looking at electricity production but ignoring the 5 quadrillion BTU americans are using to heat them selves their water and to cook with. which will require an other 1500TWh/year and an other 2500TWh/year for transport (if you believe that is ever going to get electrified at a significant percentage)
Building a couple of new nuclear plants near big population and industry centers would help with that transition.
There is also the little secret that the nuclear arsenal needs to be overhauled The US has uranium reserves and the US needs to maintain the technology or risk loosing it like it practically did space faring