posted ago by LeoLittlebook ago by LeoLittlebook +7 / -1

The Gospel of the Redman: Strength through Nature

The Gospel of the Red Man: An Indian Bible, by Ernest Seton

This book talks about Native American society and how fantastic, capable, and virtuous the average Native American was. What a contrast to today.

Conservative Europeans tend to reject the lesson of the noble savage as leftist propaganda, not realizing that Eastern Woodlands Indians actually were genetically close to Europeans, and that tribal Europeans once lived in a similar manner, with the same moral results. It is not that Native Americans were genetically superior to Europeans, but that they were still living in harmony with Nature.

I'll throw out a few quotes. To call our society advanced, in light of how superior the peoples we replaced were, is a total joke.

Every child is entitled to a home, food, upbringing, and an education - and if so be he has no near kin, then he is a proper and honourable charge on the Tribe.

There was no such thing as an illegitimate child - that is, a child without social standing or legal rights because its parents were unmarried. All were legitimate, and when an unmarried woman had a baby, there never was lack of a kind person ready to offer the little one a home and an adoptive father.

The tender regard of the Indian parent for the children is well known. More than one of their prophets have said:

"If your child be wayward, unruly, rebellious, or insolent, do not beat him. Only a brute and a coward would beat a helpless child. Rather discipline him by exclusion from the games with his fellows, and even to fasting till he is brought to see his error.

"Remember, the sorrow of being an outcast will speedily discipline him into obedience - whereas the wickedness of beating his body will surely result in lifelong hate and indignation against those who have so tortured him."

"The North American Indians are not only affectionately attached, indeed, to their own offspring, but are extremely fond of children in general. They instruct them carefully in their own principles, and train them up with attention in the maxims and habits of their nation. Their system consists chiefly in the influence of example, and impressing upon them the traditional histories of their ancestors.'


"Women had votes among the Indians ages before they were accorded the privilege in Europe. They had a voice in all national affairs and could rise to the chieftainship. In many Tribes, the High Chief was a woman. These were called Women Sachems, Rowainers, or Rainbow Women, according to the Tribe to which they belonged.

In most Tribes, the woman is the owner of the home and of the children, and of whatever is in the home. The man owns the horses, cattle, and crops, and whatever he produces or secures with his own hands.

But when game is killed, or crops harvested and brought into the house, they become the property of the wife."

"The most famous runner of ancient Greece was Pheidippides, whose record run from Athens to Sparta was 140 miles in 36 hours. Among our Indians, such a feat would have been considered very second-rate. In 1882, at Fort Ellice, I saw a young Cree who, on foot, had just brought in despatches from Fort Qu'Appelle (125 miles away) in 25 hours. It created almost no comment."

"When this Indian was a boy, he ran down and caught an adult antelope in a straight-away race lasting 5 hours"


'"The Tarahumare mail carrier runs 70 miles a day, every day in the week, carrying a heavy mailbag, and he doesn't know that he is doing an exploit."

"a Hopi messenger has been known to run 120 miles in 15 hours."'

'"I tell you I never saw more kindness or real Christianity anywhere. The poor, the sick, the aged, the widows and the orphans were always looked after first. Whenever we moved camp, someone took care that the widows' lodges were moved first and set up first. After every hunt, a good-sized chunk of meat was dropped at each door where it was most needed. I was treated like a brother; and I tell you I have never seen any community of church people that was as really truly Christians as that band of Indians."'


'"Simply to call these people religious would convey but a faint idea of the deep hue of piety and devotion which pervades their whole conduct. Their honesty is immaculate, and their purity of purpose and their observance of the rites of their religion are most uniform and remarkable. They are certainly more like a nation of saints than a horde of savages."'


"In 1885-86, Geronimo, the Apache Chief, with only 35 men, and no base of supplies, fought off 5,000 regular United States troops, 500 Indian auxiliaries, and a company of Border Scouts, for 18 months, during which time he lost only 6 warriors, but killed a couple hundred of his enemy."

Source: Adapted from secretarynotsure123's Reddit comment.

European technological advancement enabled the military conquest of North America and is therefore regarded as superior. However, that conquest is now being undone, and the Anthropocene extinction is threatening Earth's biosphere and humanity's survival. Thus harmony with Nature is militarily superior in the long run. Remember that the ultimate goal of military power is long-term survival, not just temporary conquest.

Earth is the Titanic, it has hit the Malthusian iceberg, and the question is who gets a lifeboat. | r/Collapse, Rintrah

It is challenging but not impossible to balance ecology with military defense. Doing so requires some unconventional thinking. But first let's examine the disastrous consequences of our current uncvilization's un-Natural development.

Zoomers are shockingly dysfunctional: girls harpies, boys depressed.

the kids are NOT alright.

Anyone work with kids / teens here? I do and the kids are NOT alright.

  • Near zero problem solving skills
  • Boys have almost no drive to do anything, like 40 year old coach potatoes who gave up on life but as teens
  • Nurse friend said she's never seen this many young boys with ED, and retired nurses told her it was nearly unheard of before, suspects it's far more but most don't know because they haven't had sex yet
  • Everything is phones. Nonstop all the time.
  • Feels like half the girls on are medication for depression / anxiety and the other half need to be. ER physician friend says he feels like teen girls admitted for large cuts has tripled
  • Elementary schoolers horrified to not cover their face and shriek at each to keep away. (Some don't give a shit.)
  • Generation cheats more than I've ever seen.
  • Extremely toxic communication. Constant virtue signaling, social media mobbing, "calling out" each other for stupid shit like microaggressions.
  • A ton of them, mostly girls, identify as bisexual or non-binary or some shit. Multiple trans identifiers, some getting blockers.
  • Boys are too afraid to express themselves on anything remotely controversial because the girls will mob them, just stay silent.
  • Constant panicking over newest social media trend.
  • Little ambition, many convinced the world is ending by the time they are adults.
  • Openly bash the Founding Fathers, Constitution. Don't believe in free speech because it's not inclusive. Literally hate America.
  • Girls openly saying they will make a OnlyFans when they are old enough, discussing sex work, also say they hate men.
  • Boys with zero plan. Seems they just want to make the least amount possible to afford food and video games.
  • Very low attention span. Few girls read for fun, no boys do.
  • Another doctor friend said patients got mad at young volunteers and interns, because they kept asking for pronouns.
  • Stunningly fragile, snap over the slightest thing, girls constantly offended.



rural vs urban

I see both to be honest. I live in kinda a remote area and the kids here are very engaging and very polite, seem to really have it together. My niece from a different area is 14 and barely will engage with an adult, addicted to her phone and high school drama.

I noticed more problems with kids in the northern states. Not so much in southern states. Could it correlate to amount of sunshine, varying temps/lengths of winter, vitamin D deficiency, indoor isolation, etc.?


I'm an 18 year old kid in the blue collar work force and polar opposite of everything on the list.

I was homeschooled and grew up in the country, knew enough to not be vaxed when all my family pressured me towards it. Dont talk to them anymore.

It's very disheartening for me seeing other people my age like you describe, especially when I'm looking for potential courtship.



I run a commercial fishing boat in Alaska. The good ones are good, 20-30 years old total MAGA after 3 months of my “mentoring”, but holy shit, thirty idiots, druggies, 20 y.o. alcoholics, gender benders and liberal virtue signaling cucks to find one good one. Then, they have to learn to work. They never have. They don’t know tools, working until the job is done, teamwork. It’s the fucking participation award generation.

dey phones

im a people watcher and parents have not cared for their kids since the cell phone came out

social media destroyed gen z's social development and together with porn and video games enabled massive escapism within the generation

Exposure to LEDs and radiation and frequency manipulation from phones turns adolescent brains to mush.

arrested development


New parent conversation becoming common: "I'm letting my teenager sign themselves up for college, when they're ready"

what this means is: their teen doesn't have the ambition, and likely skill, to even register for college classes.

gender deranged


  1. no masculine father figure growing up
  2. no male teachers
  3. treated as defective girls all their lives


Social media and umpteenth wave feminism drove all the girls crazy, guys have no motivation to better themselves because the girls are all crazy.

Why make any effort when the best possible outcome is being hated by your mate?

Without a healthy male-female dynamic, society collapses.

Our worse halves are such a dumpster fire.


Cheating is the biggest thing you see in their generation that is absolutely massive. You can blame porn and Tinder, but how can you possibly learn to build an emotionally stable relationship in the future if girls that are barely 20 already brag about how many „daddies” mouthfucked them last weekend.


20? more like 12. yes, I know it's illegal, but they don't care.

So your problem is mostly the girls. That they… exist.

No honey, existing is what I expect girls to do. They reflect their environment.

Another victim blaming post.

Blame is causation plus judgment. OP doesn't address causation.

cycle of history

What you're witnessing is the fall of the American Empire, and a massive transformational change in the west.

you are here: The Tytler Cycle in History

RETVRN: What went wrong and how to fix it

At present, the perverse incentives of toxic scale prevent a RETVRN to eco-futurism in America. The solution is to counterbalance scale with decentralization. Localism (AKA subsidiarity) starts with ethno-nationalism, and continues to tribalism, clannism, familialism and individualism. This is the only path to a humane globalism.

When the organs and cells of a human body have strong walls, the body as a whole is healthy. He who wishes to blend your heart and lungs together is a murderer. The shockwave of a rifle round turns surrounding cells and organs into a melting-pot mush. Migration equals war, so be careful where you point that. Somebody might get hurt.