Just read on Zerohedge that CONgress is set to approve 1.1 Billion military aid package to Taiwan.
Congress, in of itself has turned into a national security threat.
Just read on Zerohedge that CONgress is set to approve 1.1 Billion military aid package to Taiwan.
Congress, in of itself has turned into a national security threat.
So far you can't go through a comment without insulting the God who made you, insulting Christian morality, or saying racial profanity. So what is your moral standard then? It doesn't look like you have one beyond your own ego.
Christian morality involves monogamy (one man and one woman), patience, moral strength, self restraint, honesty, and compassion for one another. It seems you have a problem with such a world. You'd rather Hitler's pitiless Darwinian technocratic future? Because that is what 1488 is all about, and that system will throw you away to the meat grinder as Hitler threw away millions of his best men for his own personal ego.
That fact you are a created being in a created universe is self evident. Not my job to prove that, but it is your job to stop denying that and repent of your sins.
Big bang and macro evolution is a secular religion to justify sinning. "God can't see me, we're just in a big bang universe, I won't be judged" Yes you will be.