posted ago by glownigger8675309 ago by glownigger8675309 +18 / -2

There's all sorts of conspiracies out there. Every one of us has a unique path by which we awake, all with a different perspective. Post some of the steps on your respective journey, even if you later maybe recanted some of that information.

Example: Lacerta Files. In and of itself, probably a LARP. However... If Reptillians are a thing, Lacerta touches on some ideas regarding reptillian society (like religion/faith, other interplanetary species) that are worth thinking about.

The forum doesn't all have to be about politics and the satanic pedocracy. There's cryptids, DUMB's, mud flood, breakaway civilizations, prior earth civilizations, haunted places in Wisconsin, that group of Russian scientist mountainclimbers that took off all their clothes and froze to death, the Philadelphia Experiment...

There's all sorts of weird shit we've all found, but we haven't all found the same weird shit. Forums for truth grow when randos/anons looking to learn find a source of info that piques their interest or offers something different.

/rant <steps off soapkeyboard>
