posted ago by DemonDMT ago by DemonDMT +7 / -1

We all see it coming, they're harassing farmers, burning food processing plants, we're entering a mini ice age from the solar minimum resulting in less crops. They're artificially inflating food and gas prices on purpose ensuring panic next year in 2023.

When you start seeing military or armed security at grocery stores is when the artificial food shortage is complete. Prices will become ridiculous, and they will need armed security to prevent looters from stealing everything.

They prepared us for this during the "pandemic" when there was a shortage of toilet paper. There were limits on how much you could buy, it was all planned across the country to see what people would do in that type of situation.

Be prepared for nationwide "food shortages" people buying and stealing all they can like crazy, because they blocked the supply-chain, they will continue to force truckers to take the vaccines and push them out intentionally to create less food on shelves. They're blanketing the sky with c*emtrails to ensure drought will continue to decrease food supply.

This is when they will say "WE DON'T HAVE ENOUGH MILITARY (because they discharged all the unvaccinated) QUICK! WE NEED UNITED NATIONS TROOPS TO PROTECT OUR FOOD IN GROCERY STORES". That is when you'll see the U.N. tanks and troops to police Americans.. who will ultimately abuse us and rape women and children like they are known to do.

Just think of it as controlled chaos, order out of chaos. They created the shortage on the back of a grand solar minimum, they knew a mini ice-age would happen and will last for decades to come. That is why they went ahead and forced everyone to jab themselves, because when there are less people in society, the easier we are to control.

During this time they will introduce the Digital ID, CBDC beast system. If you don't have your digital ration card, you won't be able to buy food. They will continue to bombard the skies so we cannot be self sustainable, we will have to crawl to the New World Order system in order to survive.

It will be an open concentration camp, where you will need your papers to survive.. the holocaust of starving people will be those that have a social credit score of 0 for not complying with the World System.

I always hoped that I would live on my own, without a care in the world, and die an old ripe age without worry. But now as I have learned about the New World Order and finally seeing its plans come into fruition, I just don't see a bright future ahead. Sorry for the doomer post, but I mean, what... do you want me to lie to you and say everything is going to be great?