VAERS was made to make it APPEAR that they care. No culpability there, in fact, quite the opposite. Try to use it as a source and people let you know real quick. And it's not their fault, the disclaimer on VAERS makes it sound like there are people making up claims all day and none should be taken seriously.
The scary part is that they can do this without ANY accountability or record keeping on ANY LEVEL.
According to vaers and the European database it's killed about 70 thousand people and injured about 6 million.
VAERS was made to make it APPEAR that they care. No culpability there, in fact, quite the opposite. Try to use it as a source and people let you know real quick. And it's not their fault, the disclaimer on VAERS makes it sound like there are people making up claims all day and none should be taken seriously. The scary part is that they can do this without ANY accountability or record keeping on ANY LEVEL.