a) living within the process of dying cannot hold possession of anything; only pretend it can; while being dissolved.
b) flow (inception towards death) represents the only solution for form (life).
c) both pollution (accumulation) and dilution (lack of self sustenance) represent ignorance of resisting (living) solution (dying).
Start a blog to block access to flow of inspiration
The more one consents to suggested information; the more one ignores perceivable inspiration; hence "blocking access" required to grow comprehension.
free that block by scraping the accumulation of suggested information periodically
That represents "clearing the cache" of conscious memory by allowing accumulated information (ego) to let go thereof. So far the only way I comprehend to do so represents further adaptation to inspiration; which frees the conscious memory of superfluous ballast.
Is there such a thing as fasting for the ego? Like a vow of silence to prevent more words to corrupt perception of sound? Maybe the whole lobotomy and shock treatment narrative aimed at memory loss to curtail the ego? I'm also intrigued by the concept of separation between mental and physical memory loss aka the suggested narratives about those with mental memory loss who would instinctively sign their name physically when prompted; yet that's all hearsay until I perceive it myself. Are their any physical tests with other lifeforms about memory loss?
free that block
"free" will of choice both blocks (ignorance) and frees (comprehension).
a) living within the process of dying cannot hold possession of anything; only pretend it can; while being dissolved.
b) flow (inception towards death) represents the only solution for form (life).
c) both pollution (accumulation) and dilution (lack of self sustenance) represent ignorance of resisting (living) solution (dying).
The more one consents to suggested information; the more one ignores perceivable inspiration; hence "blocking access" required to grow comprehension.
That represents "clearing the cache" of conscious memory by allowing accumulated information (ego) to let go thereof. So far the only way I comprehend to do so represents further adaptation to inspiration; which frees the conscious memory of superfluous ballast.
Is there such a thing as fasting for the ego? Like a vow of silence to prevent more words to corrupt perception of sound? Maybe the whole lobotomy and shock treatment narrative aimed at memory loss to curtail the ego? I'm also intrigued by the concept of separation between mental and physical memory loss aka the suggested narratives about those with mental memory loss who would instinctively sign their name physically when prompted; yet that's all hearsay until I perceive it myself. Are their any physical tests with other lifeforms about memory loss?
"free" will of choice both blocks (ignorance) and frees (comprehension).