You can call blacks monikers for the N-word, Hispanics spics, diseased ridden illegals. shit skins.
But the second you even mention a Jews nose they all come out of the woodwork having a meltdown
You can call blacks monikers for the N-word, Hispanics spics, diseased ridden illegals. shit skins.
But the second you even mention a Jews nose they all come out of the woodwork having a meltdown
Nazis (or any form of nationalists really) aren't out there subverting nations across the globe, but I understand that conservatives enjoy their hyperboles.
Bullshit. Nazis made the first vaccine passport. Werner Von Braun: aerospace project manager for NASA
Walter Hallstein: head of EU Commission
Adolf Heusinger: NATO Chief of Staff
Kurt Waldheim: Secretary General of the UN
Nazis we’re integral in the formation of NATO, The UN, The EU, NASA, MK Ultra.
Adolf was a childless vegetarian, and your hyperborean mythos is gay Jewish fanfiction. Oh you’ve got special genes you’re the chosen people? Is that why you need vaccine passports and why the azov battalion loves buttpumping so much?
It's amusing watching you become unhinged at the mention of jews and parroting their revisionist history. Most of these talking points are laughable and I don't have the time or desire to refute them. Imagine actually being naive enough to cite the Avov battalion are the "real nazis."
"Your hyperborean mythos is gay Jewish fanfiction. Oh you’ve got special genes you’re the chosen people?"
"Oy vey, goy, don't take pride in your cultural folklore."
Neck yourself, you deformed little faggot. The only thing you will be chosen for in your life is the oven or the noose - either way, it's a win for humanity.
I distrust Jews as much as I distrust your Jewish fanfiction. Did the nazis not make the first vaccine passport called the Gesundheitspaß?
It’s not your culture, it’s the culture weak demoralized men latch on to because they’ve been stripped of their religion.
"I'm not some low IQ jew puppet, you're the real jew!!"
Are you foaming at the mouth while having this discussion? Seek psychological help, faggot.