posted ago by Mad_King_Kalak ago by Mad_King_Kalak +3 / -3

Gnostic arrogance from knowledge, especially knowledge that most people do not have, and conspiracy theorists

In the early days of Christianity, there was a heretical group called the Gnostics, who believed that secret knowledge was the key to salvation. You see, they thought they had special knowledge about how the world really worked, and that everyone outside the group didn’t, and thus couldn’t be saved. They were similar to the cults of the Egyptian god Isis that were popular in the Roman Empire at the same time, which promised power through secret knowledge. If you see similarities to the Free Masons here, you’re not alone.

I’m concerned that the conspiracy theory community (here and elsewhere), rather than looking skeptically at the world and seeking objective truth, is getting a gnostic arrogance about themselves. Be aware of this hubris. Just because you have figured out that XYZ that the conventional wisdom says is not correct, it doesn’t make you a better person, it just gives you better outcomes in life. Your mission, if there is one that is (that’s another debate), should be always seek truth as objectively as possible, and share it with others. If they refuse to listen, because a life of lies is a more comfortable one, shake the dust from your feet and move on.