a) temporary living within the ongoing process of dying implies aging...the less the living resist; the quicker they die.
b) fasting implies progression by willingly ignoring to resist (adaptation to hunger) being moved towards death. Fasting is used to learn/teach oneself about the differences between need (hunger to sustain life) and want (appetite tempting towards death) as defined by responding free will of choice in-between.
c) those who comprehend hunger don't require fasting; yet the temptation of appetite cannot be avoided; only resisted as free will of choice. Fall for appetite too often and fastening can get you back to balance; but it isn't a justification for ignoring need (hunger) for want (appetite).
a) temporary living within the ongoing process of dying implies aging...the less the living resist; the quicker they die.
b) fasting implies progression by willingly ignoring to resist (adaptation to hunger) being moved towards death. Fasting is used to learn/teach oneself about the differences between need (hunger to sustain life) and want (appetite tempting towards death) as defined by responding free will of choice in-between.
c) those who comprehend hunger don't require fasting; yet the temptation of appetite cannot be avoided; only resisted as free will of choice. Fall for appetite too often and fastening can get you back to balance; but it isn't a justification for ignoring need (hunger) for want (appetite).