if germ theory is based on a false area of biology, that PROVES without a doubt that TPTB have so much influence that they can literally create FAKE areas of science. fake sciences that some of our brightest dedicate there life too.
its scary to think that someone who society has deemed an expert has no more idea then your average joe. we are taught from the get go, that if we need answers we seek out the advice of experts.
there is no area more prominently effected by this then medicine.
One might find them selves asking a question.. how could this even be? how could our best and brightest simply not know?
the real question you should be asking yourself is not weather this is possible, instead ask yourself what other "sciences" are based on unproven models.
I'll put it this way: I believe in germ theory because I haven't run into a situation where it isn't predictive of events. Bill isn't feeling well, if I imagine he's got little 'don't feel well' bugs on him that could jump onto me, then I also won't feel well. But if we let the bugs die, then proximity to Bill won't make me feel unwell anymore.
I'm open to being converted, because I see in physics how they invent dark energy and dark matter to balance their observations with the equations. You can't go faster than C. But also things move faster than C and that's because um, because, um, ...it grows faster for no real reason?
I see that modern science is mostly farse, I just haven't seen a reason to disbelieve germ theory or round Earth.
bro im looking in to different aspects of physics also and your totally correct, there is alot of nonsense there also, my personal favorite is watching them try and explain why or how the sun effects weather and cloud formation.