And claims of Judeo-Islamic pedophilia are greatly exagerated.
So you’re saying the exact words from the Koran, and the Talmud are exaggerated? Was it just a prank that they wrote it or what’s your conclusion on that?
What I am saying is that even if science sets a biological "age of consent"
Muhammad set an age of consent to when she can take dick, he wrote this in the Koran.
The Talmud set an age of consent to 6.
This ain’t about a scientific age of consent I don’t care about what some pedo scientist says on the matter. I believe in objective truth. Fucking a kid is not okay regardless of what you say or what science says. This is about two books called the Koran and the Talmud that promote and condone pedophilia.
A 50+ year old Muhammad with multiple wives fucked at 9 year old. You can rant all you want to try and justify it but I’m gonna stick with the non pedo religion thanks.
So you’re saying the exact words from the Koran, and the Talmud are exaggerated? Was it just a prank that they wrote it or what’s your conclusion on that?
Muhammad set an age of consent to when she can take dick, he wrote this in the Koran.
The Talmud set an age of consent to 6.
This ain’t about a scientific age of consent I don’t care about what some pedo scientist says on the matter. I believe in objective truth. Fucking a kid is not okay regardless of what you say or what science says. This is about two books called the Koran and the Talmud that promote and condone pedophilia.
A 50+ year old Muhammad with multiple wives fucked at 9 year old. You can rant all you want to try and justify it but I’m gonna stick with the non pedo religion thanks.