I'm not quite understand western rage about gas prices.
OK, gas become more expensive, shit happens. But what is the problem to ask employer to rise your salary? It's not your imagination, employer perfectly know that gas price rised. You have skills, you sell them to employer who need your skills, it is a trade and there is capitalism around. Gas prices changed, so your skills become more expensive too, since you need gas to continue to sell your skills to employer.
Another question is about salaries. In many private talks with westerners, when things come to salaries, people refuse to name the numbers. IDK, in Russia we don't have any taboos about salaries, and it is common topic for talks, when people compare their salaries, bragging about recent rise or complaining about decline. With exact numbers. "I have 150kRUB/month. Wow, I work less than you and have 170kRUB/month. My business bring me 100-200kRUB/month. I work half-day and have 70kRUB/month. You all too rich in that city, I have only 80kRUB/month in my shithole". (we used to monthly salary numbers, as tradition) I never had heard that kind of talks on western forums or in private communication. Even talking with drunk western friends in bar it is impossible to talk about each other salaries/profits. What is it? Salaries is something intimate on the west and it is indecently to discuss them?
Thanks for your perspective.
So, for the unknown reason, there are no capitalism and free open market (labor is commodity too) in corporations?
And here comes very interesting question - if capitalism and free open market is superior over any other system of economic relations organisation, why corporations don't want to use it for labour market inside them?
Still don't get the point of such strange corporations approach with salary secrecy. Even in terms of corporation profits. In Russia, on many HR/job sites and in job sections of professional forums even prohibited to place vacancies without exact minimum and maximum wage. There exist well known average salaries for most jobs, so as employers could plan and estimate expenses and potential employees have full picture of existing opportunities. Employees with better skills nearly always get salary above average, ones with lower skills have a good motivation to gain more expirience and so on. Everything open and predictable. With salary secrecy even simple things looks obscure - how employer could estimate his expenses for new jobs? How to plan expansion of business if you have no idea what salaries new employees will agree for? With random salaries you could easily run out of funds looking for necessary competence, or vice versa, get worst possible employees if you cap the salary. Or it will get completely random result with incompetent dumbfucks with high salary and professionals working for food.
Isn't that approach destroy labour market and cause employees quality falling? Or it is an intentional attempt to force that new "post-whatever" negative selection where higher quality of life received by ones who are not better professionals, but ones who are better in lies, cheek, narcissism and all that stuff?
In latter case I see how modern west could had been degenerated to all that wokeism, ESG and other stuff.