I'm not quite understand western rage about gas prices.
OK, gas become more expensive, shit happens. But what is the problem to ask employer to rise your salary? It's not your imagination, employer perfectly know that gas price rised. You have skills, you sell them to employer who need your skills, it is a trade and there is capitalism around. Gas prices changed, so your skills become more expensive too, since you need gas to continue to sell your skills to employer.
Another question is about salaries. In many private talks with westerners, when things come to salaries, people refuse to name the numbers. IDK, in Russia we don't have any taboos about salaries, and it is common topic for talks, when people compare their salaries, bragging about recent rise or complaining about decline. With exact numbers. "I have 150kRUB/month. Wow, I work less than you and have 170kRUB/month. My business bring me 100-200kRUB/month. I work half-day and have 70kRUB/month. You all too rich in that city, I have only 80kRUB/month in my shithole". (we used to monthly salary numbers, as tradition) I never had heard that kind of talks on western forums or in private communication. Even talking with drunk western friends in bar it is impossible to talk about each other salaries/profits. What is it? Salaries is something intimate on the west and it is indecently to discuss them?
Thanks. So, this is a kind of saving employer money through obscurity? Does it really works? If it works, that means that average salary among similar positions have to be noticeably lower than fair one. So, most employees have to be underpaid.
Also strange that it is not a open free market where sellers and buyers know each other prices and quality of commodities. That could result in huge drop in quality of commodities, employees skills in that case. If buyers and sellers don't know average prices and quality of commodities, there could not be quality competition.
So, from the other side, employees don't have to improve their skills, they just need to find an employer with highest possible proposal.
It's like you enter the shop to buy a soda and see a shelf with a tons of different cans without price. To find out prices you have to buy all different types, which is impractical, so you just take few random cans and checkout. If quality is not satisfactory, you will have to repeat that random shopping. From the manufacturer side there are no any need to make a soda with better taste - since each buyer have to choose cans randomly, there always be a buyer who will pay your price for your product, independently from the product quality.
If you add all that modern immigrants, diversity and inclusivity crap to that situation, things become even worse. In the shop you have to buy at least one blue and one rainbow cans, so manufacturer could just fill them with water or pee and they will still be sold.
For me it looks like strange casino where both player and casino loose, just because players don't want to show their bids and casino don't want to show his cards.