Gravity doesn't exist. I don't need to prove that because it hasn't even been proven that gravity does exist.
Shape? We don't have that data. We are currently 2 dimensional in regards to Earth. We know a map. We can't comprehend a globe.
Size? Again, we are 2 dimensional. We only have the data that made it through the geographer. Past Antarctica could be anything from a barren icy wasteland to a tropical paradise.
Math only works under the assumption of a globe. So does science. If the earth is not a globe, it upends everything.
Space is mostly fake. The best consumer digital 📷 (*icon to denote not on a phone) cannot discern features even on Mars. It shows a strange, pulsating orb, no matter the atmospheric conditions.
And for that matter, the atmosphere is too tenuous to produce twinkling. The firmament keeps the air on earth. If there is any twinkling, it would be caused by the "waters above."
a) everything exists; including what those within existence shape within their minds; while ignoring reality. A fiction believed still tempts those believing it to respond as such within reality.
b) GRAV'ITY, noun [Latin gravitas, from gravis, heavy.]...consider choice being the center within a light/heavy balance?
Planet (suggested information); Plane (perceivable inspiration). Choice exists once again at the center of these aka perceivable (need) or suggested (want).
All perceivable sizeable by each one perceiving it from within.
a) NUM'BER, noun - "the designation of a unit". The only unit nature designates represents one (perceiving) within all (perceivable), hence unit; unitas (the state of being one; oneness).
b) all suggested math is based on suggested 0 over perceivable 1, hence ONEself at the center of all perceivable with the choice to count.
c) "two" does not represent a perceivable state; neither does the implied sameness. One can only perceive differences; hence other ones. It requires the choice to count ones and the choice to suggest the counted ones as meaning "two" towards the consenting choice of others.
SPACE, noun [Latin spatium, space; spatior, to wander.] That represents the ones perceiving being able to wander within all perceivable. That's the room; extension; space we find ourselves within. Adding to this comes A'LIEN, adjective [Latin alius, another]. For one everyone else represents another, hence us being in space; while being surrounded by aliens.
Consider if form (life) within flow (inception towards death) could be obfuscated with the suggested allegory waters above (flow) and waters below (form within flow)?