I recall first hearing about this story a decade ago, and what I've learned in that time is one of the most fundamental, most important techniques of the Ministry of Truth.
You see, in all that time NASA has never tried to cover it up, or argue against it, or hide the survivors, or "deboonk" the conspiracy theory. All they've done is keep telling the same story of the tragic deaths of the astro-nots.
And that's it. The technique is simplicity itself: just keep telling the lie longer than anyone else can keep telling the truth. If they persist long enough, the lie will undoubtedly prevail as bedrock reality.
I recall first hearing about this story a decade ago, and what I've learned in that time is one of the most fundamental, most important techniques of the Ministry of Truth.
You see, in all that time NASA has never tried to cover it up, or argue against it, or hide the survivors, or "deboonk" the conspiracy theory. All they've done is keep telling the same story of the tragic deaths of the astro-nots.
And that's it. The technique is simplicity itself: just keep telling the lie longer than anyone else can keep telling the truth. If they persist long enough, the lie will undoubtedly prevail as bedrock reality.
The shape of the Earth has entered the chat.