Perceivable inspiration (need) over suggested information (want) and you resist the temptation of feeling to neglect anything. Also a "point" implies the end of a sentence...what are the implications of suggesting points among perceivable "life" sentences?
Many simple words are intuitive even if you do not speak the language
IN (within) TUI (tueri; to look at) -TION (through action) aka reaction within enacting aka perceiving within perceivable. Anyone using any suggested language can be utilized and adapted to as perceivable inspiration.
As an example...I designed my life around martial arts and to break the defense of others to the aforementioned condition; I resist the temptation of the young ones wanting me to teach them the names of all the moves or even what the particular martial arts is called. Instead I express momentum; which inspires them to adapt; which both teaches them how to learn it for themselves and inspires me to adapt to any imbalance I perceive in their reactions.
I always caught flack from other teachers about how I'm able to grow skills within their students without much talking; because they all want their students to "stand under" them as teachers, while I use anyone I spar with as inspiration for growth; not as student or opponent.
Assuming you do not know Japanese
Enough to comprehend the suggested "Japan" brand over "Nippon" or German over Deutsch.
which of these words with zero relationship to any European language means "yes" and which "no"?
Neither, since perceivable sound doesn't suggest yes (want) or no (not want) meaning; instead it communicates constant change towards perceiving senses. Perceiving within perceivable implies the relation aka being related to enacting; hence the reaction within enacting.
A "ship" also represents a temporary vessel (form) within ongoing motion (flow). The suggested ownership; leadership; stewardship; relationship etc. all have the sleight of hand for those with eyes to see right in it. Same with banking (river banks) and the water allegories (liquidity; currency; keeping afloat and so on).
hai or iieh
These represent reactions to a suggestion, so the one suggesting restricts the ones shaping their reactions in accordance.
"Would you like me to hit or kick you?" This represents suggestion used to restrict choice within perceivable balance.
Only the ones studying are adapting to perceivable inspiration; not the ones subjecting themselves to suggested information (studies). The many are tempted to idolize what others are achieving; while ignoring the effort of ones growth within all. This is how generations can be tempted to ignore effort for want of suggested achievements within video-games.
sub-lingual "proto-language" across cultures
a) CULTIVA (to advance the growth within) -TION (through action) aka reacting growth within enacting loss aka being subjected (form) to objectifying (flow).
b) PROTO (before)...before word comes choice within sound; before sound comes response to motion; before motion comes ENERGY (internal power aka loss/growth; action/reaction; velocity/resistance; flow/form, ALL/ONE)
"Kiki and bouba"
Blonde and Black (gotta thank jewish suggestions for that).
spiky and round
Nature sets "reproduction and consumption with least effort"
NATURE, noun [Latin born, produced]...there's the PRODUC (produced by nature) -TION (through action). Now ask yourself if reaction consumes action; if growth consumes loss; if temporary consumes ongoing; if form consumes flow; if living consumes dying; if ingredient consumes base; if ONE consumes ALL?
As for within the process of dying aka responsibility within temptation aka temporary chaos within ongoing natural order...that demands adaptation; struggle; effort. The so called "path of least resistance" represents ignoring to be the resistance within the path of velocity.
the center of animal operating systems
ANIMAL (animation) implies through action; hence causing a reaction...HUMAN ( form) out of ANIMAL (flow) aka animated form out of animating flow, and comprehending this allows further comprehension about how form reacts within flow aka as choice at the center of balance (momentum of motion).
Everything one perceives represents "animal human" (animated form); yet the suggestion of "Animal" and "Human" tempts one to ignore that.
Implies as choice suggesting information towards consenting choice of another; which ignores being urged as form (living) by flow (dying); hence being forced to adapt by impressing motion (perceivable as inspiration).
the central drives
The center represents the temporary form (choice) within the momentum (balance) of the ongoing drive (flow). You are being driven from inception towards death; while resisting as life within. Your movement (choice) is confined to balance (need/want), so you can only react to being driven by.
it is survival
Yet one can fully comprehend not being able to survive all perceivable. Suggested survival tempts one to want to survive suggested outcomes; which in return tempts one to ignore resisting perceivable origin for the sustenance of life; while growing resistance within the temptation of dying.
Living doesn't represent surviving dying, it represents growing life within the process of dying. "Survival of the fittest" the few suggest; yet ask the fittest boxers about the implication of ignoring needed defense for suggested offense? I have experienced enough martial artists (art of war) who destroyed themselves by consenting to the suggested competitions; without realizing that their defense represents the choice to resist the temptation of suggested offense.
Social cohesion
That represents suggested unity (togetherness) by the few to tempt the many to ignore perceivable unitas (the state of being one; oneness). The few suggest equality as the goal of diversity; which tempts the many to ignore being diverse (different) out of equal (sameness) aka differentiated form (living) out of equal flow (dying).
Cohesion as suggested tempts attraction to each other (choice to choice); which ignores perceivable cohesion (balance to choice). Male and female don't need to be attracted to each other; they need to sustain self by individual adaptation (choice) to collective origin (balance) for perpetuation of self (offspring); while resisting the want of attraction to each other (lust).
Sex as suggested represents lust (fornication); which tempts one to ignore perceivable SEX, noun [Latin sexus; seco, to divide.] - "the distinction between male and female" aka the adaptation to the origin which self differentiates oneness into ones aka wo(mb)man into man and fe (minine)males into males.
Propaganda, manipulation, persuasion etc. that are effective are all created to activate these animal drives and bypass higher reason.
a) "propaganda, manipulation, persuasion" represents suggested information; which implies ones willing consent to ignore perceivable inspiration for it.
b) ignoring need (perceivable) for want (suggested) causes the want vs not want conflict of "reason"; which those who make the suggestions can then rebrand into higher (want) vs lower (not want) or human (want) vs animal (not want)
c) suggested creationism (want) ignores perceivable transmutation (need). Try creating a new thought without shaping it out of already perceivable ingredients? One cannot perceive creation within perceivable transmutation. Being perceiving implies transmuted out of perceivable, hence a reaction within enacting.
d) reason represents imbalance (choice vs choice about suggested) in ignorance of being choice within perceivable balance.
e) pro-life vs pro-choice represents reasoning about suggested "abortion"; which ignores perceivable "life equals choice". The parasites rebranded want vs not want into pro-life vs pro-choice as the sleight of hand for those with eyes to see. "I use my choice to choose life over choice while being alive" vs "I use my choice to choose choice over life while being alive"...that's like a litmus test for ignorance and yet the many still ignore this.
"Free will of choice" is an anomaly in nature and is a higher motivation since there is no evolutionary reason for it.
a) How does one reason without free will of choice? Who is one reasoning against if not the choices of others? What motivates living more than being within dying? Doesn't living represent a derivation (anomaly) from the natural order of dying?
b) EVOLU'TION, noun [Latin evolutio.] - "the act of unfolding". Action (perceivable) unfolding into reaction (perceiving); balance unfolding into choice; flow unfolding into form; ongoing unfolding into temporary; potentiality unfolding into potential; loss unfolding into growth; dying unfolding into living; impression unfolding into expression; velocity unfolding into resistance; electric unfolding into magnetic; male unfolding into female (let it rib; adam); ALL unfolding into each ONE.
c) "there is no" represents the suggested ignorance of "there's all" perceivable.
"balance" is nearly the opposite of free will
Choice represents the coexisting opposite within balance aka the reaction within action. Self differentiation of base (energy) into opposite ingredients (loss/growth aka flow/form aka balance/choice) represents the cause.
Choice implies being at the center of balance to choose from. Choosing within imbalance (wanting vs not wanting the suggestions of others) comes after making the choice within balance aka want (suggested) over need (perceivable).
Reason (want vs not want) tempts choice to view perceivable opposites as conflicts (versus), while ignoring them to represent coexistence within balance. Need/want aren't fighting with each other; choice is struggling to balance within them.
outside of human influence
HUMAN (form) + IN (within) FLUENCE (flow)...that implies being inside (living) the impressing outside (dying). How could you (form) perceive the consequences of motion without being with-in-fluence (flow)?
natural systems tend towards balance or equilibrium
Nature represents the same (equality) differentiating (diversity) itself from base (balance) to ingredient (choice).
Flow towards (velocity) causes momentum (balance) for responding (choice) form (resistance).
such that the species in the system reach equilibrium
a) being within a system implies being the form within the momentum of the flowing system.
b) SYS'TEM, noun [Latin systema; Gr. to set.] - "an assemblage of things adjusted into a regular whole"...flow represents the whole; self differentiation through momentum represents the assemblage of form within flow".
c) HU'MAN, adjective [Latin humanus; Heb. form, species.] implies out of AN'IMAL, noun [Latin animal from anima, air, breath, soul.] aka animated form out of animating flow; hence the need to adapt by breathing.
Free will of choice is at odds with this
a) because you (as free will of choice) chose to want suggested outcome (reaching equilibrium); which ignores the need as difference (diverse) to adapt to sameness (equal); hence as different choice to the same origin of balance (need/want).
b) ODD, adjective - "not even; not divisible into equal numbers". That ignores that the only NUMBER (designation of a unit; untias, oneness; state of being one) represents ONE within ALL aka difference within momentum sameness. One cannot perceive equal; only moving differences (perceivable inspiration required for the sustenance of ONEself).
Perceivable inspiration (need) over suggested information (want) and you resist the temptation of feeling to neglect anything. Also a "point" implies the end of a sentence...what are the implications of suggesting points among perceivable "life" sentences?
IN (within) TUI (tueri; to look at) -TION (through action) aka reaction within enacting aka perceiving within perceivable. Anyone using any suggested language can be utilized and adapted to as perceivable inspiration.
As an example...I designed my life around martial arts and to break the defense of others to the aforementioned condition; I resist the temptation of the young ones wanting me to teach them the names of all the moves or even what the particular martial arts is called. Instead I express momentum; which inspires them to adapt; which both teaches them how to learn it for themselves and inspires me to adapt to any imbalance I perceive in their reactions.
I always caught flack from other teachers about how I'm able to grow skills within their students without much talking; because they all want their students to "stand under" them as teachers, while I use anyone I spar with as inspiration for growth; not as student or opponent.
Enough to comprehend the suggested "Japan" brand over "Nippon" or German over Deutsch.
Neither, since perceivable sound doesn't suggest yes (want) or no (not want) meaning; instead it communicates constant change towards perceiving senses. Perceiving within perceivable implies the relation aka being related to enacting; hence the reaction within enacting.
A "ship" also represents a temporary vessel (form) within ongoing motion (flow). The suggested ownership; leadership; stewardship; relationship etc. all have the sleight of hand for those with eyes to see right in it. Same with banking (river banks) and the water allegories (liquidity; currency; keeping afloat and so on).
These represent reactions to a suggestion, so the one suggesting restricts the ones shaping their reactions in accordance.
"Would you like me to hit or kick you?" This represents suggestion used to restrict choice within perceivable balance.
Only the ones studying are adapting to perceivable inspiration; not the ones subjecting themselves to suggested information (studies). The many are tempted to idolize what others are achieving; while ignoring the effort of ones growth within all. This is how generations can be tempted to ignore effort for want of suggested achievements within video-games.
a) CULTIVA (to advance the growth within) -TION (through action) aka reacting growth within enacting loss aka being subjected (form) to objectifying (flow).
b) PROTO (before)...before word comes choice within sound; before sound comes response to motion; before motion comes ENERGY (internal power aka loss/growth; action/reaction; velocity/resistance; flow/form, ALL/ONE)
Blonde and Black (gotta thank jewish suggestions for that).
NATURE, noun [Latin born, produced]...there's the PRODUC (produced by nature) -TION (through action). Now ask yourself if reaction consumes action; if growth consumes loss; if temporary consumes ongoing; if form consumes flow; if living consumes dying; if ingredient consumes base; if ONE consumes ALL?
As for within the process of dying aka responsibility within temptation aka temporary chaos within ongoing natural order...that demands adaptation; struggle; effort. The so called "path of least resistance" represents ignoring to be the resistance within the path of velocity.
ANIMAL (animation) implies through action; hence causing a reaction...HUMAN ( form) out of ANIMAL (flow) aka animated form out of animating flow, and comprehending this allows further comprehension about how form reacts within flow aka as choice at the center of balance (momentum of motion).
Everything one perceives represents "animal human" (animated form); yet the suggestion of "Animal" and "Human" tempts one to ignore that.
Implies as choice suggesting information towards consenting choice of another; which ignores being urged as form (living) by flow (dying); hence being forced to adapt by impressing motion (perceivable as inspiration).
The center represents the temporary form (choice) within the momentum (balance) of the ongoing drive (flow). You are being driven from inception towards death; while resisting as life within. Your movement (choice) is confined to balance (need/want), so you can only react to being driven by.
Yet one can fully comprehend not being able to survive all perceivable. Suggested survival tempts one to want to survive suggested outcomes; which in return tempts one to ignore resisting perceivable origin for the sustenance of life; while growing resistance within the temptation of dying.
Living doesn't represent surviving dying, it represents growing life within the process of dying. "Survival of the fittest" the few suggest; yet ask the fittest boxers about the implication of ignoring needed defense for suggested offense? I have experienced enough martial artists (art of war) who destroyed themselves by consenting to the suggested competitions; without realizing that their defense represents the choice to resist the temptation of suggested offense.
That represents suggested unity (togetherness) by the few to tempt the many to ignore perceivable unitas (the state of being one; oneness). The few suggest equality as the goal of diversity; which tempts the many to ignore being diverse (different) out of equal (sameness) aka differentiated form (living) out of equal flow (dying).
Cohesion as suggested tempts attraction to each other (choice to choice); which ignores perceivable cohesion (balance to choice). Male and female don't need to be attracted to each other; they need to sustain self by individual adaptation (choice) to collective origin (balance) for perpetuation of self (offspring); while resisting the want of attraction to each other (lust).
Sex as suggested represents lust (fornication); which tempts one to ignore perceivable SEX, noun [Latin sexus; seco, to divide.] - "the distinction between male and female" aka the adaptation to the origin which self differentiates oneness into ones aka wo(mb)man into man and fe (minine)males into males.
a) "propaganda, manipulation, persuasion" represents suggested information; which implies ones willing consent to ignore perceivable inspiration for it.
b) ignoring need (perceivable) for want (suggested) causes the want vs not want conflict of "reason"; which those who make the suggestions can then rebrand into higher (want) vs lower (not want) or human (want) vs animal (not want)
c) suggested creationism (want) ignores perceivable transmutation (need). Try creating a new thought without shaping it out of already perceivable ingredients? One cannot perceive creation within perceivable transmutation. Being perceiving implies transmuted out of perceivable, hence a reaction within enacting.
d) reason represents imbalance (choice vs choice about suggested) in ignorance of being choice within perceivable balance.
e) pro-life vs pro-choice represents reasoning about suggested "abortion"; which ignores perceivable "life equals choice". The parasites rebranded want vs not want into pro-life vs pro-choice as the sleight of hand for those with eyes to see. "I use my choice to choose life over choice while being alive" vs "I use my choice to choose choice over life while being alive"...that's like a litmus test for ignorance and yet the many still ignore this.
a) How does one reason without free will of choice? Who is one reasoning against if not the choices of others? What motivates living more than being within dying? Doesn't living represent a derivation (anomaly) from the natural order of dying?
b) EVOLU'TION, noun [Latin evolutio.] - "the act of unfolding". Action (perceivable) unfolding into reaction (perceiving); balance unfolding into choice; flow unfolding into form; ongoing unfolding into temporary; potentiality unfolding into potential; loss unfolding into growth; dying unfolding into living; impression unfolding into expression; velocity unfolding into resistance; electric unfolding into magnetic; male unfolding into female (let it rib; adam); ALL unfolding into each ONE.
c) "there is no" represents the suggested ignorance of "there's all" perceivable.
Choice represents the coexisting opposite within balance aka the reaction within action. Self differentiation of base (energy) into opposite ingredients (loss/growth aka flow/form aka balance/choice) represents the cause.
Choice implies being at the center of balance to choose from. Choosing within imbalance (wanting vs not wanting the suggestions of others) comes after making the choice within balance aka want (suggested) over need (perceivable).
Reason (want vs not want) tempts choice to view perceivable opposites as conflicts (versus), while ignoring them to represent coexistence within balance. Need/want aren't fighting with each other; choice is struggling to balance within them.
HUMAN (form) + IN (within) FLUENCE (flow)...that implies being inside (living) the impressing outside (dying). How could you (form) perceive the consequences of motion without being with-in-fluence (flow)?
Nature represents the same (equality) differentiating (diversity) itself from base (balance) to ingredient (choice).
Flow towards (velocity) causes momentum (balance) for responding (choice) form (resistance).
a) being within a system implies being the form within the momentum of the flowing system.
b) SYS'TEM, noun [Latin systema; Gr. to set.] - "an assemblage of things adjusted into a regular whole"...flow represents the whole; self differentiation through momentum represents the assemblage of form within flow".
c) HU'MAN, adjective [Latin humanus; Heb. form, species.] implies out of AN'IMAL, noun [Latin animal from anima, air, breath, soul.] aka animated form out of animating flow; hence the need to adapt by breathing.
a) because you (as free will of choice) chose to want suggested outcome (reaching equilibrium); which ignores the need as difference (diverse) to adapt to sameness (equal); hence as different choice to the same origin of balance (need/want).
b) ODD, adjective - "not even; not divisible into equal numbers". That ignores that the only NUMBER (designation of a unit; untias, oneness; state of being one) represents ONE within ALL aka difference within momentum sameness. One cannot perceive equal; only moving differences (perceivable inspiration required for the sustenance of ONEself).