But buy from the government-approved weed shop and you know it's real!
And before any dickhead says "hurr durr, you can tell the difference". No. You can't. There are a million version of "weed" now that are not weed, but look and smell EXACTLY like weed. If you don't get that, you probably aren't even smoking the real shit because you're clearly behind the game.
This was done on purpose to destroy the street market.
Destroy the street market and everyone needs to buy it from the government.
One of the many "totally normal coincidences" that just happens to completely benefit the people in power. Shocked face.
As a Canuck, I can say that there is a difference between types of weed.
The dealers typically grow for strength, flavour, smell, and turpenes....
The legal stuff is categorized and given error ranges 7%+- ) which are required to be within the range...
But that being said....it's 7% leniency....so a 15% and 27% can be the same batch......21% say.
THC, CBG, CBD, CBN are all different as well.. but they don't make you 'high' THC does, CBN makes you sleepy, and CBG is more of a stimulant smoke, and CBD is more for inflammation