posted ago by oculusprimenumber ago by oculusprimenumber +4 / -1

On June 26, 2022, it will be the 88th anniversary of the First National Gun Control Law, what is called the start of the “1000 cuts” to kill the 2nd amendment.
June 26th is also 88 days until the “Fall” season.

The first false flag American mass shooter died at “88”, coincidentally.

“The U.S. Embassy in Kyiv this week announced that 88 tons of ammunition from the U.S. arrived in Ukraine at the direction of President Biden.”

The masonic run organization known as the “NRA” equals “8” in the babylonian cipher. The NRA sold out Americans 88 years ago (example of a “built to fail, 1000 cuts scenario”), the “nra database” is “secure”:

“The first piece of national gun control legislation was passed on June 26, 1934. The National Firearms Act (NFA) — part of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s “New Deal for Crime“

88 is an important number in Hermetical Masonry (Numeration of Letters), Sacred Geometry and many other occult practices.

Some examples:

Occult=88 in the Francis Bacon cipher. 🥓 Bacon was a known occultist and high ranking mason who created some of the first masonic (english) hermetical ciphers. “It is widely theorized that Francis Bacon had created Rosicrucian and Freemason secret societies in England.” Sir Francis Bacon=88, some say he was also Shakespeare. Bacon supposedly coded all “Shakespeare’s” (shake a spear) plays hermetically, pointing to himself as the actual author.

88 represents infinity and spacetime, the Sun and Moon “dance” and make an 88 pattern in the sky then “reset”.

8th day resets the week and The Beatles “8 days a week” means “infinity”.

88 days for Mercury to reset or circle the sun

88 constellations (universal time clock)

88 piano keys

8x8 Masonic Chess board, the “Game of Kings and Immortals” represents dualism seen in every masonic floor in every lodge.

88 represents the hindu, hitler and broken ‘christ’ cross swastika (cranked 3 times)

Heil Hitler or HH or 88, H, 8th Letter

The H or 8 in Hebrew represents the “breath of life” letter, H was added to saraH and abraHam’s name by God - 88

Say the letter “H” out loud, it sounds like you are saying “8 cha”, 💨 breathing life “out”.

In telegraphy and telecom (abbreviations) the number 88 means "love”.

88MPH “Back to the Future” means “A Great Reset” (Dr. “emiT” Brown, emiT is Time backwards, and Brown represents unifying all “colors”, religion, govt and gender, ie “The NWO”, Agenda 2to1)

Side note: In the movie “Back to the Future”, Dr. emiT/Time mentioned “Mr. Peabody’s pine tree farm”. The pine cone and the name “peabody” represents your pineal gland, we are being “farmed” (book “Animal Farm” (orwell). The world is constantly experiencing massive mind control operations (Hive mind). Look up all the hivemind and pinecone symbolism at the vatican.

Hundreds of movies/tv/music references to the twin pillars: 88. 88 minutes (Pacino), HitcH (will smith), HitcH movie poster his hands are on the twins or two pillars, the H and the H or the 8 and the 8.

Most (famous) occult movies regarding “demonic possession” produced by “Lionsgate”(=88) Productions, all primarily about “Exorcisms” and “Possession”.

August 8th or 8/8 represents the opening of “God’s Gate” or the Lion’s Gate (Leo), a time when the “veil” is thin, when many occultic “celebrations” occur (stonehenge, etc).

“Lionsgate” (=88 in the kaballah alphacipher) was the “gate” Christ (“Lion” of Judah or “Lamb” of God) walked through before being crucified. It was originally called the “Sheep’s or Lamb’s Gate” because lambs would be brought through the same gate to be sacrificed.

88 or HH represents twins and pillars, Cain and Abel, Cain born first, the seed of the serpent (twins cain/abel went from 2 to 1, WTC went from 2 to 1, Event/Agenda 201/21, make 2 pillars into 1).

Many 88’s (the 88/HH pillars, Hilton Hotel) used in the masonic construction and destruction of Towers worldwide: “88 lights in memory of 9/11: The affect is created using 88 searchlights arranged in battery park and is known as the ‘Tribute in Light’. It represents the 88 countries that lost citizens on 9/11.”

“Petronas Twin Towers are 88-story supertall skyscrapers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, the world's tallest twin skyscrapers.”

The most famous overplayed masonic song is “Stairway to Heaven”, it is about the 88/HH pillars. “She’s buying a stairway to heaven” which is the “third pillar” or the “stairway to heaven”, the “back door/gate” to heaven in freemasonry. Why we see so many “Room 101“ references in movies media: John 10:1 - “He (luciferian masons) that comes thru another way (stairway to heaven, the third pillar) is a thief and a liar.” Sodomy or “back door” enlightenment is a “physical ritual” that mirrors the “spiritual” concept in the hollywood/music industry. It’s “another way” or “door 101” to “heaven” and the “ark of the covenant” aka the “pineal gland”. 101 is always the number at the front steps of the third pillar in masonic art. Gate=101 but Back to 88.

Mentioned earlier that the Sun and the Moon, the 88 symbolic “analemmas” in the sky. Both combined make the Eclipse, that is the “Open Gate of God”, the “Lionsgate” at the top of the “Stairway to Heaven”.

The “star gate(way to hell)” has 8 sides (Cern’s collider).

8 paths to enlightenment (luciferian).

Star of Lucifer/Isis (under the “umbrella” of darkness, umbrella: to block light, hide from light), why Umbrellas have 8 sides. “Under my umbrella ella ella”. Ella is the female form of “god”.

Definition of 8, most references from the “encyclopedia of freemasonry”:

Jesus in greek=888, 888 greek words in the book of revelation. 8 people on the ark, males circumcised on the 8th day. Jesus rose on the 8th day. 8 is the number of “resurrection”. 88 mentions of “son of man” in NT.

8 is the first cube number, refers to the primitive law of nature, which supposes all men are created equal.

In hebrew “high” and “heaven” equals 88 as well as “terror”,“shake”, “be on fire” and “to bring down” (towers).