An astronaut that you think went moon who works for nasa just told you that you didn’t see shit 😆😂 So yes this is nasa admitting that the video is an animation. Your the one who looks stupid when they are telling it’s fake and your so hypnotized you can’t hear it
He's not in nasa. Already told you that I don't believe any of this shit anyway. I'm just saying you look like an idiot when you over promise and can't deliver. Just say buzz aldrin said it was an animation. Don't give people free ammo.
You said nasa admitted it. This isn't nasa. Why do you type like an imbecile, it's like you're trying to look stupid.
An astronaut that you think went moon who works for nasa just told you that you didn’t see shit 😆😂 So yes this is nasa admitting that the video is an animation. Your the one who looks stupid when they are telling it’s fake and your so hypnotized you can’t hear it
He's not in nasa. Already told you that I don't believe any of this shit anyway. I'm just saying you look like an idiot when you over promise and can't deliver. Just say buzz aldrin said it was an animation. Don't give people free ammo.
Buzz saying it was animation is the same thing as saying nasa admits it fake. Buzz=nasa fake=animation
Buzz is some old fuck that hasn't had anything to do with nasa in half a century.