yeah, i sort of just found out that their high priests sucking the mutilated schlong of their adherents infant males is a central tenet to what it means to be a jew. like, their "covenant with god" revolves around old men schlopping bleeding baby cock.
Its Lucifer.
Sucking blood from baby dicks sounds very Luciferian/Gnostic indeed.
There's a reason that Talmudic laws (currently in reserve in the US since George H W Bush, and signed off on every president since including DJT) say it shall be a crime punishable by beheading to say that Jesus is the son of God. And look at all the "Smart Guillotines" that FEMA have been stockpiling for the last decade.
This sort of censorship has been standard operating procedure for canadian researchers for decades.
If it goes against the narrative, theyll either have to pull it entirely or rewrite their conclusions to undermine their own findings just to get something out. Seriously, fuck Canada.
Completely disgusting. And so sad that they have somehow managed to infect so many other peoples, religious and non-religious alike, with this demented and horrific practice.
Only West and Middle Asia ancients practice it. In the places where was a problems with water and basic hygiene. There was no any circumcision cults in the palces where every man could easily wash his dick.
Interesting that this strange and very local cult took over North America. There was no such tradition in Europe, Russia and East Asia. So, somehow Jewish tradition spread over white population of US and Canada. Jews are very careful and rarely allow spreading of their traditions over goyim. With exception of circumcision.
There is difference between ancient hygienic tradition that became religious rithual and when religious rithual was brought with religion. I don't know if that was historical in Uganda, or they sometime fall into Judaism.
source? i don't disbelieve but that is nuclear-warhead level trivia; trust but verify :)
IDK, if there exists the stats of infant circumcision rates in Europe. May be it is possible to find some stats or something else.
As for Russia, there was never a tradition or cult of circumcision. It always accounted as Jewish and so completely inapropriate for Russian man thing. Muslim population in Russia practice circumcision, but they don't perpetrate it over infants. Jews in Russia obviously do it, but it is unsignificant amount.
This is so unusual thing for Russians that nobody even think about doing some statistics on that. May be there could be some medical reasons to do that, but definitely not on the infants. Nobody never even heard that some doctor asked parents about it on birth, muslim and jewish do that in their religious circles without any intersection with medicine.
I don't know, for Russia it is something like inserting a giant disc into lower lip practicized by some african tribes. Nobody even think about asking and especially propagandising it. It just nonexistent thing for Russians.
i wonder how many other customs could be described with There was no ____ in the places where every man could easily wash his dick ?
Obvioulsy, something connected with hygiene. F.e. Russians never had different flea-fighting devices that was not rare in some European countries, banya(sauna) was affordable for every layer of society 24/7, so there was no need for that devices.
Even today, there are beliefs that it prevents STD transfers. Perhaps if jews are too cheap to wash themselves, there maybe some truth.
I think its more like why did ancients sacrifice animals. A mix of luck and how some retards benefit from placebo. I think religion overall flourished back then because all else equal, i'd bet on an army of retarded theists with courage over an army of atheists who (perhaps rightfully) fear death. Also, mating/natural selection is not always about the best. Why do we have 5 fingers instead of 4 or 6.
This is a cult. a sick, twisted fucking cult. I'm a victim, I want justice.
is it wierd that the one picture the guy is sucking the baby penis
yeah, i sort of just found out that their high priests sucking the mutilated schlong of their adherents infant males is a central tenet to what it means to be a jew. like, their "covenant with god" revolves around old men schlopping bleeding baby cock.
that is one fucked up god...
Its Lucifer. Sucking blood from baby dicks sounds very Luciferian/Gnostic indeed.
There's a reason that Talmudic laws (currently in reserve in the US since George H W Bush, and signed off on every president since including DJT) say it shall be a crime punishable by beheading to say that Jesus is the son of God. And look at all the "Smart Guillotines" that FEMA have been stockpiling for the last decade.
you have no idea what gnostic means
Is it weird? Can't you tell without asking a question? Or is that like a surprise question because you didn't know jews were into sucking baby dicks?
This sort of censorship has been standard operating procedure for canadian researchers for decades. If it goes against the narrative, theyll either have to pull it entirely or rewrite their conclusions to undermine their own findings just to get something out. Seriously, fuck Canada.
as far as i can tell, they didn't publish. haven't spent alot of time on it , though.
Completely disgusting. And so sad that they have somehow managed to infect so many other peoples, religious and non-religious alike, with this demented and horrific practice.
One reason is that it's a way to mark slaves. Simple, permanent, mostly non-fatal.
Only West and Middle Asia ancients practice it. In the places where was a problems with water and basic hygiene. There was no any circumcision cults in the palces where every man could easily wash his dick.
Interesting that this strange and very local cult took over North America. There was no such tradition in Europe, Russia and East Asia. So, somehow Jewish tradition spread over white population of US and Canada. Jews are very careful and rarely allow spreading of their traditions over goyim. With exception of circumcision.
Plus indigenous Australians, who split off a long time ago.
There is difference between ancient hygienic tradition that became religious rithual and when religious rithual was brought with religion. I don't know if that was historical in Uganda, or they sometime fall into Judaism.
source? i don't disbelieve but that is nuclear-warhead level trivia; trust but verify :)
i wonder how many other customs could be described with There was no ____ in the places where every man could easily wash his dick ?
IDK, if there exists the stats of infant circumcision rates in Europe. May be it is possible to find some stats or something else.
As for Russia, there was never a tradition or cult of circumcision. It always accounted as Jewish and so completely inapropriate for Russian man thing. Muslim population in Russia practice circumcision, but they don't perpetrate it over infants. Jews in Russia obviously do it, but it is unsignificant amount.
This is so unusual thing for Russians that nobody even think about doing some statistics on that. May be there could be some medical reasons to do that, but definitely not on the infants. Nobody never even heard that some doctor asked parents about it on birth, muslim and jewish do that in their religious circles without any intersection with medicine.
I don't know, for Russia it is something like inserting a giant disc into lower lip practicized by some african tribes. Nobody even think about asking and especially propagandising it. It just nonexistent thing for Russians.
Obvioulsy, something connected with hygiene. F.e. Russians never had different flea-fighting devices that was not rare in some European countries, banya(sauna) was affordable for every layer of society 24/7, so there was no need for that devices.
the common theory is that sandy desert climates led to irritation and infections inside the foreskin.
Even today, there are beliefs that it prevents STD transfers. Perhaps if jews are too cheap to wash themselves, there maybe some truth.
I think its more like why did ancients sacrifice animals. A mix of luck and how some retards benefit from placebo. I think religion overall flourished back then because all else equal, i'd bet on an army of retarded theists with courage over an army of atheists who (perhaps rightfully) fear death. Also, mating/natural selection is not always about the best. Why do we have 5 fingers instead of 4 or 6.
The traumatized mind is easily manipulated.