In this milestone 100th episode, David Weiss talks to Peter and Kathleen about meteors, asteroids, shooting stars, giant trees and the impossibility of outer space as it is taught.
I will say I saw a flat earth video that pointed out the same thing, and I have no answer. It freaks me out how little we know about our own reality, and I think the truth would be overwhelming because we have been programmed from birth. I can't take the lies anymore, but how do you find the truth?
Vortex math relates to the vortices which are the engine of creation. Vortices create globes. Not frisbees. Tesla knew the math of the ancients. An understanding of the unseen. You are relying on observed phenomena. Specifically what you are asking about relates the the concept of earthly visual perception occuring and beung augmented by earth's vortexian lens.
Why dont we ever see a meteor coming from below the horizon?
Who told you that? If you wait few hours until meteor shower radiant fall under horizon, you will see meteors coming from below horizon. They will look much weaker due to distance, path angle to the viewer and light pollution from the ground, so you need really intensive meteor shower to clearly see them, but even for weak shower they are still there. Use telescope for better results and check everything yourself.
No, they viewed as flying from ground to sky radially, from the center (radiant) that is below horizon. They looks dimmer because you see them from another angle and distance.
If shower is intense you have more bright meteors, and porbably you will be able to see some rising from below horizon after radiant is gone under the horizon. If shower is weak, you could use telescope to observe them.
Radiant is an imaginary point, it does not mean center or shower. It is just a point where meteors looks flying directly towards you. All meteors in shower really fly as a parallel stream. Usually meteor stream diameter is much larger than Earth. and they falls everywhere in the sky when Earth is inside that stream.
Also, to observe meteors flying from below horizon, you need meteor shower that have radiant point that could go below horizon at your location during nighttime. Try ones with low declination, i.e. radiant close to celestial equator.
It goes up from horizon, not down, from ground to sky, just a result of quick serach. If you could see it going up in the sky, it obviously could go from below horizon. Search for amateur astronomers overnight meteor shower videos, then spend few days watching them out, with high probability you will find what you need. Or wait for next meteor shower and be ready with telescope and watch them by your own eyes.
Materialised plasma in or out of the self repairing skydome?
Crrow777 says its a skyclock up there.
His movie is Shoot the Moon.
Plasma effects noticed. In this milestone 100th episode, David Weiss talks to Peter and Kathleen about meteors, asteroids, shooting stars, giant trees and the impossibility of outer space as it is taught.
I will say I saw a flat earth video that pointed out the same thing, and I have no answer. It freaks me out how little we know about our own reality, and I think the truth would be overwhelming because we have been programmed from birth. I can't take the lies anymore, but how do you find the truth?
the truth will set you free
Impact craters probably are dried up Geysers, from the time the world was flooded.
You can't reason within false paradigms.
Consider that your observed phenomena is just that. Observed. It is the unseen that quickens.
Newtonian physics are junk. Look into larsonian physics and Tesla's notion of vortices. Then come back with that childish flat earth stuff...
Vortices my friend. The unseen.
Vortex math relates to the vortices which are the engine of creation. Vortices create globes. Not frisbees. Tesla knew the math of the ancients. An understanding of the unseen. You are relying on observed phenomena. Specifically what you are asking about relates the the concept of earthly visual perception occuring and beung augmented by earth's vortexian lens.
Your concept of physics is broken. No understanding can come from it.
Who told you that? If you wait few hours until meteor shower radiant fall under horizon, you will see meteors coming from below horizon. They will look much weaker due to distance, path angle to the viewer and light pollution from the ground, so you need really intensive meteor shower to clearly see them, but even for weak shower they are still there. Use telescope for better results and check everything yourself.
No, they viewed as flying from ground to sky radially, from the center (radiant) that is below horizon. They looks dimmer because you see them from another angle and distance.
If shower is intense you have more bright meteors, and porbably you will be able to see some rising from below horizon after radiant is gone under the horizon. If shower is weak, you could use telescope to observe them.
Radiant is an imaginary point, it does not mean center or shower. It is just a point where meteors looks flying directly towards you. All meteors in shower really fly as a parallel stream. Usually meteor stream diameter is much larger than Earth. and they falls everywhere in the sky when Earth is inside that stream.
Also, to observe meteors flying from below horizon, you need meteor shower that have radiant point that could go below horizon at your location during nighttime. Try ones with low declination, i.e. radiant close to celestial equator.
You mean something like that: ?
Unfortunately, there was no any really intense meteor showers in the era of affordable good cameras.
they didn't show anything coming from below horizon in this video
It goes up from horizon, not down, from ground to sky, just a result of quick serach. If you could see it going up in the sky, it obviously could go from below horizon. Search for amateur astronomers overnight meteor shower videos, then spend few days watching them out, with high probability you will find what you need. Or wait for next meteor shower and be ready with telescope and watch them by your own eyes.