Ole Dammegard has talked a lot about this "one shoe" phenomenon.
On a personal note, I was once expressing my doubts about the Holocaust(tm) to someone. She replied, "I've been to the Holocaust Museum and they had a huge pile of shoes from the victims. It definitely happened." I said, "Do you think there's been a murder every time you see a loose shoe laying around?"
Well, maybe yes. Perhaps the CIA discovered during MK-Ultra that there's an anomaly in the human psyche where "lone shoe = dead person" or something like that, and they've been exploiting that flaw ever since.
Ole Dammegard has talked a lot about this "one shoe" phenomenon.
On a personal note, I was once expressing my doubts about the Holocaust(tm) to someone. She replied, "I've been to the Holocaust Museum and they had a huge pile of shoes from the victims. It definitely happened." I said, "Do you think there's been a murder every time you see a loose shoe laying around?"
Well, maybe yes. Perhaps the CIA discovered during MK-Ultra that there's an anomaly in the human psyche where "lone shoe = dead person" or something like that, and they've been exploiting that flaw ever since.
Those shoes are on an inclined board to make it appear to be a huge pile, but its not
Oh, you're kidding! They even "jew us down" on the shoes? I should have known.