Sex and gender are different or are they the seem to be talking sex.
There are two main sexes - the gender thing is weird as fuck. Not because of the sexual stuff, but because they are logically fallacies to claim the idea of a social construct which is simultaneously up for personal choice and's just bizarre....
--- the argument is a non-argument. Its designed to make you take away your rights by following to conclusion or to force others to define your rights for you..... Essentially it's lawyer bullshit and that it.
--- Essentially, the only answer is that if gender doesn't matter why does the label matter, and if the label doesn't matter why are laws telling us they do....and thus they must matter legally but does the law actually matter at the boundaries at biology -'s a purely social construct we are the laws are just social constructs as essentially we are in a battle of language but we are also In a battle of scopes...
Does sex exist - I would say yes, does gender exist... I would say no...but some think tanks feel they can rewrite the definitions of laws to become simultaneously both gendered and non-gendsred to ensure maximum doublespeak and allow for a miss-applied justice system.
That word salad is utter semantic bullshit. But I’m not going to ask why you’re here. You have no principles or rock foundation. You might do well taking a course in logic instead of rationality.
Spelling issues cannot follow the logic? I don't think I need a course in logic.
Let me rephrase for you - they are mixing up biological 'sex' with social 'gender'....but those who argue about gender are falling into a trap. You cannot defend a subjective thing....without defining it.... So you essentially make objective someone's subjective personal feelings....and then say that everyone must be called how they feel because they are supposed to....which is just rediculous and cannot be rationalized.
a) "does nothing" cannot exist within "does everything"; hence sustaining existence. To be (one perceiving) implies out of (all perceivable).
b) GENDER (Latin genus; geno) - "generation" aka GENERA (produced) -TION (through action).
c) generating action (inception towards death) self differentiates into generated reactions (life). This self differentiation causes SEX, noun [L. sexus; from L. seco, to divide.] - "the distinction between male and female".
The origin of the suggested word represents the perceivable sound. Comprehension represents the root; grown by choice, within the soil of perception. The suggested etymology of words is used to obfuscate our comprehension. The constant revisionism upon suggested languages represents the parasitic few mimicking the ongoing flow of perceivable inspiration with an ongoing flow of suggested information...controlled within a world wide web.
I would think it should mean "to combine"
COMBINE, verb transitive - "to unite or join two or more things"
a) UNITE; noun (Latin unitas) - "the state of being one" doesn't represent combination; but differentiation; hence from the same ALL (flow) into each individual ONE (form).
b) "two" implies ONE choosing to count others ONEs as "two". Two doesn't represent a perceivable state; but the reaction to enacted differentiation of ONEness (energy) for ALL represents ONE in energy.
While am at counting...the main deception of math represents a) counting suggested numbers; while ignoring being the ONE designated unit within ALL; b) seeking solutions to problems; while ignoring being the temporary problem (form) within the ongoing natural solution (flow); and c) counting from a suggested 0 (imbalance); while ignoring being the ONE (choice) within the perceivable ALL (balance). There's no 0 (zero) in nature.
c) form exists within the balance (momentum) of flow, and so male/female aren't combining; they represent differentiation finding level (balance) for perpetuation of self (offspring); which brings us back to suggested sex; which aims to distract choice from comprehending the need for perpetuation of life (intercourse) or the want tempting towards death (lust); instead sex is being suggested as lust; while the consequences of intercourse become wanted or not wanted choices.
gender is a completely made up concept, courtesy of a degenerate who sexually abused and drove to suicide a boy and his twin brother
Sex and gender are different or are they the seem to be talking sex.
There are two main sexes - the gender thing is weird as fuck. Not because of the sexual stuff, but because they are logically fallacies to claim the idea of a social construct which is simultaneously up for personal choice and's just bizarre....
--- the argument is a non-argument. Its designed to make you take away your rights by following to conclusion or to force others to define your rights for you..... Essentially it's lawyer bullshit and that it.
--- Essentially, the only answer is that if gender doesn't matter why does the label matter, and if the label doesn't matter why are laws telling us they do....and thus they must matter legally but does the law actually matter at the boundaries at biology -'s a purely social construct we are the laws are just social constructs as essentially we are in a battle of language but we are also In a battle of scopes...
Does sex exist - I would say yes, does gender exist... I would say no...but some think tanks feel they can rewrite the definitions of laws to become simultaneously both gendered and non-gendsred to ensure maximum doublespeak and allow for a miss-applied justice system.
That word salad is utter semantic bullshit. But I’m not going to ask why you’re here. You have no principles or rock foundation. You might do well taking a course in logic instead of rationality.
Spelling issues cannot follow the logic? I don't think I need a course in logic.
Let me rephrase for you - they are mixing up biological 'sex' with social 'gender'....but those who argue about gender are falling into a trap. You cannot defend a subjective thing....without defining it.... So you essentially make objective someone's subjective personal feelings....and then say that everyone must be called how they feel because they are supposed to....which is just rediculous and cannot be rationalized.
You’re correct about your spelling. It’s “ rediculous”
Are you mentally rejected? Or just a loser with nothing to do?
Are you purposely an asshole or does it come naturally?
a) "does nothing" cannot exist within "does everything"; hence sustaining existence. To be (one perceiving) implies out of (all perceivable).
b) GENDER (Latin genus; geno) - "generation" aka GENERA (produced) -TION (through action).
c) generating action (inception towards death) self differentiates into generated reactions (life). This self differentiation causes SEX, noun [L. sexus; from L. seco, to divide.] - "the distinction between male and female".
The origin of the suggested word represents the perceivable sound. Comprehension represents the root; grown by choice, within the soil of perception. The suggested etymology of words is used to obfuscate our comprehension. The constant revisionism upon suggested languages represents the parasitic few mimicking the ongoing flow of perceivable inspiration with an ongoing flow of suggested information...controlled within a world wide web.
a) UNITE; noun (Latin unitas) - "the state of being one" doesn't represent combination; but differentiation; hence from the same ALL (flow) into each individual ONE (form).
b) "two" implies ONE choosing to count others ONEs as "two". Two doesn't represent a perceivable state; but the reaction to enacted differentiation of ONEness (energy) for ALL represents ONE in energy.
While am at counting...the main deception of math represents a) counting suggested numbers; while ignoring being the ONE designated unit within ALL; b) seeking solutions to problems; while ignoring being the temporary problem (form) within the ongoing natural solution (flow); and c) counting from a suggested 0 (imbalance); while ignoring being the ONE (choice) within the perceivable ALL (balance). There's no 0 (zero) in nature.
c) form exists within the balance (momentum) of flow, and so male/female aren't combining; they represent differentiation finding level (balance) for perpetuation of self (offspring); which brings us back to suggested sex; which aims to distract choice from comprehending the need for perpetuation of life (intercourse) or the want tempting towards death (lust); instead sex is being suggested as lust; while the consequences of intercourse become wanted or not wanted choices.