I am conducting a survey of people’s belief and attitudes regarding conspiracy theories. I find that the existing research on conspiracy theories is done by researchers who believe the theories are false, and hence the quality of the surveys is low. For instance, despite being very well-informed truther, I score only 3.4/5 on the General Conspiracist Beliefs Scale. The goal of the survey I came up with is to identify which kinds of conspiratorial beliefs cluster together. For instance, what constellation of beliefs are you likely to hold if you believe JFK faked his death as opposed to being assassinated by a second shooter. Or likewise for if you believe the COVID virus doesn’t exist, as opposed to believing it is a bioweapon. The survey can be done regardless of which theories you personally believe, or whether you consider yourself a conspiracy theorist.
The survey consists of 100 questions about both specific conspiracy theories, and general attitudes about the world. Demographic questions are included but are optional. It should take around 10 minutes to complete. Once enough submissions have been made and I can do a statistical analysis of the data I will be posting a report on my blog.
Why place the importance on beliefs vs empiricism. This causes me to suspect this is an opposition research effort
? Because I'm trying to figure out what people believe, not what's empirically and scientifically true. Are you implying that the people who believe that the elites harvest adrenochrome from children have empirical evidence to that effect?
EM'PIRIC, noun [Gr. to attempt; Latin empiricus.] - "one who makes experiments". Consent (belief) to suggested empiricism contradicts being the one experiencing mind.
a) RE (respond to) SEARCH (want over need) implies others who exploit those who ignore need (perceived) for want (suggested). One doesn't need to search nature; it's already all perceivable.
b) those who choose want over need, are causing want "versus" not want reasoning aka the opposition based conflict.
GCBS 4.34, AND they used manipulation tactics in their questions. Here's my favorite : Did you do your best on the test, and can we save your results?
That's two distinct yes or no questions. This manipulation is intended to get you the results you want. It's not intended to get honest data.
That's not my suvey, mine is linked at the bottom.
These are the questions. They are too heavily biased to give unbiased results