How does it feel to be on the same side as antifa?
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Money represents suggested value; self sustenance; resistance; growth represent perceivable value; which implies in response to momentum (tick; tick; tick...). So; evaluation within value represents energy; while suggested money tempts to ignore that.
It's the suggestion of ownership that tempts one to ignore the implied dynamic of a ship (form) and it's origin (flow). The suggested was shaped within the perceived, yet attaches the definition of "owning" onto an existence of "being". One represents a liquid asset aka a formed loan out of a flowing economy. It's about shaping it while having temporary access to it; which the economy processes to sustain itself.
The loan can temporarily utilize the ongoing economy for exponential growth, or if ignored, will me processed back into the overall loss.
Didn't I watch porn named like that some 20 years ago? Anyway...togetherness represents differentiation (form) out of the same source (flow). The few suggest togetherness to tempt each of the many to ignore perceivable "alone" aka ALL(in)ONE; hence energy. All reactions are for the sustenance of ONEself; every perceivable difference represents another ONE out of the same ALL, and ALL (flow/form) represents ONE in energy (internal power aka loss/growth).
The few even use the umbrella of "unity" to suggest togetherness; while those with eyes to see can perceive the contradiction aka UNITAS - "the state of being one, oneness". Instead of "we live together"; it goes "ones differentiated coexistence"...which alas would be a hard sell for porn.
And the ignorance of that is tempted by trying to define momentum as a fact; while being at the center of it. It's like saying "this moment is a fact". Also; the suggested rhetoric of "never" (nothing ever) represents the inversion of the perceivable "everything at every moment"; which each one within lacks comprehension of; hence having the opportunity to grow it.
Natural law cannot be stolen by those within; yet others within can be deceived to ignore perceivable natural law for suggested rules of behavior from others. Choice within balance requires both need (perceived) and want (suggested) options; otherwise it wouldn't be a balance.
The few don't act in imitation; being reaction represents mimicry of being enacted upon. The few use suggested inversion to cover these perceivable processes from the comprehension of the many within, hence nonstop suggestion from the cradle to the grave...if they even make it to the cradle. And of course all the potency of their suggestions is fueled by the consenting ignorance of the many, so once again a balance.
The foundation of "what" represents energy. The etymology goes law; lex - "to lay, to set" aka CONSTITU (to set) -TION (through action); hence flow to form transmutation aka that which is being enacted upon, and the result of enacting represents reacting, which is why all the suggested laws of men ignore the enacted laws of nature.
The laws of nature sets "free will of choice" into the dominance of perceivable balance (need/want); while the suggested laws of men restrict behavior of choice by luring it into imbalance (want vs not want); where it fights (reasoning) among other choices.
See "lying" down represents your choice; while "laying" down represents flow to momentum to form for having a choice; hence the entire process of being produced by natural law, hence NATURE, noun [Latin from nature born, produced]. PRODUC (produced) -TION (through action); while lying down to think about the country represents RE- (response to) production; which ties into self sustenance and the birds and the bees under the sheets.
COURT (to attempt to gain) SHIP (one vessel within all flow). Meanwhile; choice represents the response-ability to resist these attempting temptations, and has to be free will to be able fall for them as well. A court also represents an enclosed (dominating balance) space (wandering free will of choice). These annoying ankle biters just suggest layer upon layer of rhetorical inversion upon these simple processes to curtail comprehension among the many.
Arrival represents wanted outcome; while ignoring needed response to already "ruling" origin. Justice "just is".
Because a so called monkey doesn't try to stand under (understanding) suggested information; he's gonna adapt to the ever changing moment (um); hence growing resistance (life) to velocity (inception towards death) by reacting to impressed (perceived) with compression (comprehended) for expression and he continues doing so at every moment. Our species on the other hand would go "hold up buckaroo; let's be reasonable..."; while "monkey see; monkey do".
Nature offers the growth of comprehension within the ongoing loss of perceivable inspiration; yet being within such an offer (growth within loss) demands resistance; hence struggle (form) within temptation (flow) and guess what's more tempting for choice...
That represents agreement vs disagreement reasoning being suggested to mean communication, which ignores COMMUNICA (to impart) -TION (through action) hence impressed perceivable need to reason about impressed inspiration isn't there? And action (flow) self differentiates into reaction (form); which one perceives as moving differences aka perceivable inspiration to sustain self. If everything is different; then I'm unique; yet if everything is the same; then who am I and why would I care?
In short...balance to choice represents communication (resonance); choice to choice represents miscommunication (dissonance), and resonance (need) or dissonance (want) imply in response to perceivable sound; not to suggested words. This is where spell-craft is used to invert ongoing sound with affixed (idolized) words. It's when the many proclaim truth and fact; while ignoring to have consented to a suggested -ism beforehand; which only then can be effortlessly contradicted with lies.
That's because inspiration is being perceived aka always available for growth of comprehension if adapted to. If one suggests inspiration to others; one tempts them to ignore growing comprehension; hence ignoring to adapt to perceived inspiration. One has to be the expression of inspiration; while resisting the temptation to suggest others what to do; which represents a struggle when you realize that you're surrounded by petulant children who violently refuse to utilize response-ability and grow up.
If you think of getting the candy out to suggest them to behave; then you ignore the parasitic few already representing the child abusing consequence of that road.
Also; what you perceive as a challenge represents the want to inspire others; yet you most likely were approached numerous times by others complimenting your for inspiring them; when you're out and about on productive endeavors. That represents you expressing inspiration to others; while adapting to need over want. One cannot fool balance by pretending need to get wants, since balance dominates responding free will of choice.
Oh yeah; I did a decade as an electro-mechanic and ever so often I had to venture to the paper pushers; who would sit in their cubicles like hunched over goblins; caged next to their digital hamster-wheels; yet it was me with my improvisational nature that felt entrapped among them.
By expressing their growth within aka utilizing all potentiality offered according to their individual potential. It's the seeds who act like little bitches..."too wet; too dry; wrong ph; too crowded; gibs me more light; I'm freezing; I spontaneously die on you just to state my oppression; come on hungry birds...I'm hidden over here".
Any of your expressions represents perceivable inspiration to grow comprehension of everything out of. Whatever you thing you hold secret; others can comprehend if they resist the temptation of your suggestions; which would give you the power to withhold suggested information; hence keeping secrets. On the other hand...comprehending the secrets of others; requires one to resist the temptation to want them. If one keeps adapting to inspiration; then more and more of the perceivable falls into place; becomes comprehensible; which includes what others are up to.
The fruits if your labors not only inspire others to help sustaining your ecosystem; they also tempt others to fuck with your stuff; hence causing the circumstances you need to keep adapting to. Even as a tree.
Nature (everything) represents an impression for those within (somethings); everything isn't disguised; each something lacks comprehension about everything offered. An allegory that fits would be "seeing things in a different light" when comprehension grows. Everything is perceivable for those with eyes to see.
A disguise implies the intent to withhold; while nature is blasting it all out; no matter if one wants it or not.
And what does the parasite suggest? "rien ne va plus" (nothing goes any more).
Whenever I comprehended a little more and tried to reflect upon what I did for that to wasn't a seek and you shall find situation, but me diligently working on resisting temptation (want over need); which in return reduced my ignorance towards the perceived.
I had to also work through the wanting to help others phase; when I was trying to keep taps on whose words woke me up; which books to recommend for inspiration; what meme worked on me; what food; exercise or locations to point out as fundamental to help oneself; but as you said "on their own" is how choice sustains self within balance.
Time (tick; tick; tick...aka ongoing momentum) represents perceivable value; while money represents suggested value. Only the flow causing the momentum represents equal; while every perceivable form within represents a differentiation.
a) for you to have the choice to define implies being subjected to balance (momentum of motion). Trying to define any facts within momentum ignores this.
b) "a" moment represents the whole of momentum. There can only be the one moment; it's the flow that differentiates every form in it. The moment before only exists within ones mind if "captured" as a memento; while the moment after represents the same position within momentum; yet closer to outcome (death). The suggestion of time as representing past; present and future is what tempts the collecting of moments; the want to remember what was, and the hope and fear towards what could be.
c) formed choice can only exist at the center of flowing balance...aka momentarily at the moment.
The known force represents the perceivable consequences of ongoing loss, and only ONEself can choose to resist it for growth, so the choice (evaluation) to grow within the force of loss represents strength. In other words...the quantity of motion (strength) represents ONE or strength represents the evaluation of perceived value.
That represents creationism over transmutation; hence perpetually trying to put a creating source over everything. I boiled it down to an uppercase ALL, and yet still the believers of suggested creationism keep attaching the extra creator above ALL, hence putting themselves into a mental hamster-wheel. UNITY (from unitas) -"the state of being one (one within all); oneness (oneness of all). Each ONE exists within ALL energy, and energy represents "internal" power for itself (flow/form in balance), and therefore externally produced power (flow) for all within (form).
It's the lack of self discernment that tempts one to ignore ones own perspective from the center when view everything else, like a cube doesn't have six has four sides; a top and a bottom and yourself at the center perceiving it. Instead one is tricked by the externally suggested cube to ignore the perceived source of what allows to shape. You are perceiving the different manifestations of the same energy; which when adapted to allows growth of comprehension towards perceived.
a) AT, preposition - "direction towards; nearness; presence" implies the flow-state of energy aka the action (flow) in preposition of reaction (form).
b) the headwater you think about represents the origin of form...water (form) springing from a source (flow); hence adapting by seeking level (balance aka momentum of motion).
c) the suggested term HEAD (seat of sensation; hence perceiving form) WATER (allegory for flow; hence communicating perceivable) tempts you to think "something out of nothing"; while ignoring "each thing by; out of; within, and in response to everything". The form (head) exists at the center of flowing (water) energy aka impressed into the center; in need of compression to sustain self, while utilized for expression (growth) and regression (loss).
d) the foundation for "what" implies energy.
The "to" (towards) already implies motion as the director for each reaction within, while straight first requires the self differentiation of flow into form; which then straightens the living form from inception towards death. Differentiation represents a temporary growth curvature out of ongoing base-line loss.
ALL (every form) RIGHTS (stretched by flow) RE (responses) SERVE (to work for)...EN'ERGY, noun [Greek; work]
Which are suggested by choice; hence impotent (suggestion) until potency (consent) given.
Not outside; themselves further enclosed inside; hence ignorance based ego (memory filled with suggested information). They view perceived natural (inspiration) through the lens of suggested artificial (information).
a) that represents suggestion as the inversion of perception; which tempts one to blame nature for ones lack of comprehending it. Work (energy) implies forwards direction (flow); while you represent the resistance (form) within. One has to comprehend that whatever choices one makes to sustain life; one is still being processed towards death. Living represents the opportunity and responsibility to balance while dying. Not as sexy a sales-pitch then all the temptations luring towards death; yet temporary access to everything; to growth within infinity.
b) TRICK, noun (Latin intrico) - "to fold". That represents the suggested inversion of NATURE, noun - "born, produced" aka unfolding (aka impressed for expression). Us suggesting information to each other tempts us to categorize everything; while ignoring that it's one source expressing itself through each one within. This is how one mentally folds the unfolding reality into fiction definable by others.
Auto (flow) represents the just action, you represent the reaction, and "I" represents the claim upon self in ignorance of being the subjected ONE within the objectifying ALL. The sleight of hand for the use of "I" represents APPLE (allegory for temptation; hence the bitten apple logo) using the lower case "i".
Sleight of hand...lost & found aka loss (flow) and FOUND, verb transitive [Latin fundo, fundare; Heb. to build] - "to set"; hence flow setting form.
As ONE within ALL knowledge...SIZE, noun - "a settled quantity of allowance" represents matter. Each ONE perceiving can handle ALL perceivable.
That would represent you adapting to the growth of others. It would balance out; yet judging knowledge as dangerous tempts one to use suggestion to corrupt the growth of others; which represents imbalance.
ME'DIATE, adjective [Latin medius, middle.]...that represents your nature; to be (choice) out of (balance) and balance represents the momentum of "obsessive dancing". INTERVE'NE, verb [Latin intervenio; inter and venio] - "to come or be in-between" aka to come out of flow and to be within momentum.
a) the want to stash or the need to shelter...
b) if nature produces all perceivable; hence opening itself up to everyone perceiving it within, then the conflict between an undisclosed (want) vs disclosed (not want) location implies ignorance. Also...LOC (placement) -ATION (through action).
Twice implies ONE responding to perceived ALL by choosing to count other ONEs as twice. -dis (lack of) represents within self; hence lack of comprehension of all perceived or lack of self discernment. Within energy "lack of" represents the potential for growth (form) within the potentiality of loss (flow). As for double vision...there's only one source for everything perceivable; yet each one can choose how to view it. Perceiving reality through a kaleidoscope doesn't represent multi-vision, but still just ONE perceiving ALL perceivable through a chosen lens, and since this includes the eyes...close them to comprehend that you can still perceive.
The want to finishing walking or the need to make another step...