I continually see memes quoting statistics that claim to show the ineffectiveness of vaccines.
Anybody with even middle school level math competency should be able to see through the misrepresentation of these statistics.
A recent example stated that 85.7% of deaths over a particular week in Scotland were vaccinated people. The conclusion drawn was that the vaccines don't work because the vast majority of people dying were vaccinated.
What was left out in the post was that 94% of Scotland has received at least 1 dose and 74% has received 3 doses. That leaves only less than 6% of the population unvaxxed accounting for 12% of the deaths. This data suggests (suggests, doesn't prove anything), just the opposite of the conclusion drawn.
Misuse of statistics makes people look either stupid or dishonest. If you see something posted like this, you should immediately question your source. Anybody passing off this kind of stuff isn't vetting their sources or their numbers either through actual intent to mislead or sheer stupidity. Either way, the source cannot be trusted. Trusting such a source is just allowing yourself to be duped (which makes you a dupe) or a liar yourself.
Hold yourself to higher standards of integrity, please, everybody. It doesn't help anybody to lie about facts or pass on lies about facts.
a) if you can read it...you have sensed it.
b) ARGUE (reason) MENT (mind; memory)...a reasoning (want vs not want) memory ignores perceived balance (need/want) for suggested imbalance (want vs not want).
c) is "two" perceivable or was it suggested by one who counted other ones? How could my senses perceive "two" if everything perceivable represents a difference?
Instead of regurgitating what others suggested you; why not challenging yourself with the foundation of math? A mathematical instrument implies being played within the same source of sound. Let's talk about that source aka the perceived solution; instead of the suggested problems...
I don't even read this word salad anymore. You remind me of one those homeless guys scribbling madly in a notebook and you wonder, hmmm, what are they writing? You walk by and see that its all just gibberish.
Yet; the want to confirm disagreement still tempts replies.
Judging something while moving on (as life towards death) ignores that anything represents an expression of perceived everything; which you willingly ignore growing your comprehension within; when passing judgements and moving on.
"Babylon, the wonder of all tongues". If only the many would comprehend the perceived sound underneath the suggested words...they wouldn't wonder so much.
Next attempt to stay on topic...if everything perceivable represents energy, and those within perceiving it represent a differentiated ingredient out of the same solution, then how could there be suggested mathematical problems?
Can you tell me anything about the foundation of math? Doesn't suggesting problems within perceivable solution sound like MATH, noun - "a mowing; as in aftermath" aka suggested artificial problems in ignorance of a perceived natural solution?
How could choice at the center of balance be homeless? How could the perceiving within the perceivable be homeless? How could ONE within ALL be homeless?
No response required.
How could one thing (life) within everything (inception towards death) perceive "no" thing? What's the origin of no; not; nothing; nothingness...perceivable inspiration or suggested information?
RESPONSE, noun respons'. [Latin responsum.] - "reply to an objection in a formal disputation". Try to reply to the need of adaptation to breathing with an "objection in a formal disputation" and see how that turns out?
Choice implies constant response to balance (need/want). Form (life) implies constant response to flow (inception towards death). Ask yourself what you're responding to?
RE (response) QUAERO (to seek) MENT (mind; memory). Memory represents a response to incoming...you don't have to seek it; you need to utilize and grow it.