The fix was in long before that. In CA, Senator Pan has been pushing draconian vax bills left and right since 2012. They completely removed religious exemptions in 2015. In that same interval, people who have real concerns about vaccines, their ingredients, the schedule, or harms they or their children have already suffered, were smeared as the worst kind of people. In essence, it was a Public Relations campaign to establish the Church of Dogmatic Scientism, with its holy sacrament of vaccination. Most members of this cult are not aware of its existence or their own membership in it.
The fix was in long before that. In CA, Senator Pan has been pushing draconian vax bills left and right since 2012. They completely removed religious exemptions in 2015. In that same interval, people who have real concerns about vaccines, their ingredients, the schedule, or harms they or their children have already suffered, were smeared as the worst kind of people. In essence, it was a Public Relations campaign to establish the Church of Dogmatic Scientism, with its holy sacrament of vaccination. Most members of this cult are not aware of its existence or their own membership in it.