You guys are idiots. Took me 2 min to debunk every image in these videos. Do some fucking research before spreading fake news. The only image that can actually be legitimately categorized as 'atmospheric spraying is the one with multi-nozzle coming out the side which is for seeding clouds to make it rain.
You guys are idiots. Took me 2 min to debunk every image in these videos. Do some fucking research before spreading fake news. The only image that can actually be legitimately categorized as 'atmospheric spraying is the one with multi-nozzle coming out the side which is for seeding clouds to make it rain.
0:09 -
0;34 - Airbus A380 water-filled tanks simulate passenger weight for different takeoff and landing displacement weights.
2:14 - Gypsy moth spraying
I could go on, but I would just be wasting my time. Seriously, just ask;
There literally is no financial gain from anyone doing this.
Sometimes contrails are just condensation (water) trails.