I think you bring up valid points. Furthermore, can these plans simply be tracked on flight4adar.com to see if they are passenger or nefarious? I think this would definitively solve the debate.
It seems like you cast off the idea chemtrails are legit because it would take thousands of gallons of storage which is impracticality but yet you attribute the trails to passenger planes which do not have the excess storage capacity. I think the storage capacity is a moot point
I think you bring up valid points. Furthermore, can these plans simply be tracked on flight4adar.com to see if they are passenger or nefarious? I think this would definitively solve the debate.
It seems like you cast off the idea chemtrails are legit because it would take thousands of gallons of storage which is impracticality but yet you attribute the trails to passenger planes which do not have the excess storage capacity. I think the storage capacity is a moot point