Illustrations of the atmospherical origin of epidemic diseases, and of its relation to their predisponent constitutional causes [electronic resource] : and on the twofold means of prevention, mitigation, and cure, and of the powerful influence of change of air as a prinicpal remedy
for context im 99% sure "exciting cause" is the act of blowing up clouds with canon balls or fireworks. Apparently this was a common occurrence were they thought they could shock the atmosphere back to normal. that or they were shooting aetheral beings in the atmosphere, im not sure yet there isnt alot of info about this now a days
There were a number of Catholic vs Protestant conflicts that occurred around that time for example the paletinate in the 1630s and then the English civil war in the 1640s
Name of book??
Illustrations of the atmospherical origin of epidemic diseases, and of its relation to their predisponent constitutional causes [electronic resource] : and on the twofold means of prevention, mitigation, and cure, and of the powerful influence of change of air as a prinicpal remedy
for context im 99% sure "exciting cause" is the act of blowing up clouds with canon balls or fireworks. Apparently this was a common occurrence were they thought they could shock the atmosphere back to normal. that or they were shooting aetheral beings in the atmosphere, im not sure yet there isnt alot of info about this now a days
There were a number of Catholic vs Protestant conflicts that occurred around that time for example the paletinate in the 1630s and then the English civil war in the 1640s
I was taught this in my English school in the 1970s
Except blaming it on Catholics. But that's just like saying "I bet it was Muslims who started that fire" in modern times.