Intel Slava Z on telegram provides the Russian side of things. I like to watch all sides as the truth is usually somewhere in the middle. I look at for the Ukrainian side. Open to better sources though.
Sputnik, Tass, RT, Interfax , pravda on the Russian side, which is not so hateful and biased as the western msm. I have to use a vpn, because most of these sites are blocked by our 'democratic' EU.
Intel Slava Z on telegram provides the Russian side of things. I like to watch all sides as the truth is usually somewhere in the middle. I look at for the Ukrainian side. Open to better sources though.
Sputnik, Tass, RT, Interfax , pravda on the Russian side, which is not so hateful and biased as the western msm. I have to use a vpn, because most of these sites are blocked by our 'democratic' EU.