A number of us have at least one stalker user that just follows us around and down votes every post/every message we make, and in my case I think this user is u/Corporis. In my opinion, such behavior is not valid forum behavior and removing such users entirely from the platform would be not censorship, since these users are abusing the platform's voting system with what is, ultimately, a form of spam.
No just get rid of downvotes. It solves everything. There's no manipulating speech. We don't vote on speech. We walk away from it, if it offends. Or we block it.
We vote on elections. But there is no president of social media. Assholes today might think they're with all their fake followers, and fake likes, and retweets. But there is no president of social media. Instead that attitude has turned into dystopia. Suddenly it has created a woke cancel culture of trolls telling everybody else what to say because they speak like hypocrites. That programming votes and down votes, or likes and dislikes are the direct fault. Get rid of them problem solved. Not quite. The stupid laws need to go back to free speech. Not whatever this crap has become with its bullshit checkers and little gimping trolls correcting the narrative. Fuck off. Let people speak, freely. Yea not happening, but it's nice to dream of that other time before the before the bullshit. Where sites like 4chan were allowed everywhere.
There is no social score on speech. It faster isn't free speech.