A number of us have at least one stalker user that just follows us around and down votes every post/every message we make, and in my case I think this user is u/Corporis. In my opinion, such behavior is not valid forum behavior and removing such users entirely from the platform would be not censorship, since these users are abusing the platform's voting system with what is, ultimately, a form of spam.
I have nothing to do with Corporis. I disagree with a few of his posts. Once, a long time ago I down voted one of his topics. But I don't down vote users in a topic. Guilty of down voting a topic. I don't anymore, unless, as an exception it's that same somebody who spammed this forum with text based submissions. Then I might. Nothing recently. I share like the user posting brahbruh the same stalker and so do a few others.
You're obviously guilty. Look at this thread. You idiots are down voting yourselves. You're also guilty of a multiple account. Look at that response, it proves it.
Whatever you say, corporis. The cat is out of the bag.
Yea you got yeast infection? There ain't no fixing that, use some lye on it, or whatever you use for your obvious itch. It obviously causes you to be hysterical.
No I absolutely do not operate any other account. I have nothing to hide.
Unlike your bucket of worms.