No, it's owned by the Russian Federation--a state-owned bank.
Central Bank of Russia is a private company with undisclosed owners.
You could easily check it using CBR tax ID - 770223513, f..e. here - or in any other database or service providing basic public data on private businesses of Russian Federation.
For state owned compaines there is "Russian Federation" openly listed in owners section. For CBR you could only find "no information" or "not disclosed" record.
There is special law about Central Bank of Russia, that explicitly state that this entity is indpendent from any government service or entity and nobody in Russian government, including President of Parliament could issue any orders or laws that order something to Central Bank.
Who owns Russia's central bank?
If it is the same wizard who owns the central banks of China and the US then there is only ONE great reset
Central Bank of Russia is a private company with undisclosed owners.
You could easily check it using CBR tax ID - 770223513, f..e. here - or in any other database or service providing basic public data on private businesses of Russian Federation.
For state owned compaines there is "Russian Federation" openly listed in owners section. For CBR you could only find "no information" or "not disclosed" record.
There is special law about Central Bank of Russia, that explicitly state that this entity is indpendent from any government service or entity and nobody in Russian government, including President of Parliament could issue any orders or laws that order something to Central Bank.
antirus propaganda updoot