posted ago by R_Hak ago by R_Hak +6 / -1

So, I totally didn't know about this, and tangentially discovered it from another unrelated search.

So this guy was arrested and is serving more than a decade, 13 years, in prison because he was in possession of firearms, illegally. (I can't find anything to explain to me, why would he get not registered firearms if the USA has the 2nd amendment? Or was he planning on returning to his "normal life" and not getting caught after he executed his supposed "plan"?)

But the most interesting thing is, that after reading some msm articles about it, there is ABSOLUTELY NO MENTION on how the police suspected and started to investigate him.

They do mention his search history and internet activity A LOT, they know what he read, when, where and how much he read.

Then I read on a comment section, on Knowyourmeme...

For those of you keeping track, he was seen taking Tramadol at his work desk. That led to a search of his desk, which led to a search of his home. Per the court documents, the firearm purchases were made from February 2017 to February 2018. It's a real stroke of luck both that he sat on that arsenal for a year without using it and that an unrelated thing actually caught someone's eye.

So, someone suspected him and the "investigation", or better and more correctly to say, the FACADE investigation started from his use of a legal painkiller during worktime.

Does this sound like a total BS lie to you? To me it does.

I certainly, am not associated, nor do I sympathize with him, nor do I sympathize with the degenerates that "caught" him, and I HAVE NO DOUBTS, ZERO, NADA, that the government through google has extended surveillance programs and algorithms that automatically collect data on individuals, that then are judged by agents. From this point they start to think how can they entrap the individual, knowing full well how he thinks and what he thinks. So to successfully end the "investigation" they just need to find a plausible excuse to get the search warrant. But they have preemptive knowledge, through data collection, and if it weren't for the necessity to keep alive the FACADE of legality, they would throw in jail all of the ppl who oppose the government or the current way of things in one way or another.

Also, don't even try to clean your browser search history, that wont solve anything. They collect your data, upstream. And pretty sure google and their AI has algorithms that are able to compile access from different devices and different social media into one single profile for an individual.

NOTE. Again, I am interested how the investigation started. Because to me it seems they are data collecting (no doubt about this, old news), and from time to time, when they need a publicity stunt, or need to promote some agent, they go select a "neonazi" from the surveillance pool and look for ways to "accidentally start investigating" him or to entrap him.

P.S. Would be interesting if anyone who has already read about this, could provide quotes from reactions, in regard to how the investigation started.