Ever tried to pressurise opened system? Like pressure cooker in the vacuum chamber of the size of huge warehouse.
You have gravity under your pot, you just don't have a lid to close it, but should be no problem since gravity can hold atmosphere down to earth in fully open system inside of infinitely big vacuum chamber, right?
I'm not flat earther to be clear, but I have serious doubt this place is ball flying in open system.
Whatever shape it has, it's somewhat closed or half of shit they thought can't possibly work.
I have access to high quality high performance vacuum chambers and we have to close the lid to do anything with the pressure.
And since the same people lied about ConVirus, Ukraine, Libia, Syria, Vietnam, Korea, WWI, WwII... I would not be surprised there is issue with current model.
Ever tried to pressurise opened system? Like pressure cooker in the vacuum chamber of the size of huge warehouse.
You have gravity under your pot, you just don't have a lid to close it, but should be no problem since gravity can hold atmosphere down to earth in fully open system inside of infinitely big vacuum chamber, right?
I'm not flat earther to be clear, but I have serious doubt this place is ball flying in open system. Whatever shape it has, it's somewhat closed or half of shit they thought can't possibly work.
I have access to high quality high performance vacuum chambers and we have to close the lid to do anything with the pressure.
And since the same people lied about ConVirus, Ukraine, Libia, Syria, Vietnam, Korea, WWI, WwII... I would not be surprised there is issue with current model.