I know Tom's site https://cheniere.org for a long time. It is a good collection of interesting devices and ideas, but none of that devices was reproduced successfully, i.e. for generating energy in self-sustaining mode. We have Russian site https://x-faq.ru/ with forum where ordinary people trying to replicate any non-conventional device from free energy and antigravity generators to medical devices and vortex things and people really discussing the problems and results of their real experiments. There are tons of information, circuits, photos, descriptions on any possible "forbidden device", unfortunately in Russian only. But if you really interested in non-conventional devices, especially if you going to replicate one - this is definitely place to visit, discomfort with online translators worth it.
His MEG device is not unique, many others have built devices which use the same principle.
That had been resolved very fast. Like with DIY YBCO liquid nitrogen superconductor. Initally results of DIY attempts was unstable, but since components was not expensive or hard-to-find, many people tried to reproduce it and quickly find all nuances, and now you could find numerous HOWTOs and even YouTube videos with every detail you need to know to get stable and reproduceable result in making your own superconductor.
So, since we still have no such HOWTOs, at least it is suspicious.
I tried to build his MEG using data from http://jnaudin.free.fr/meg/meg.htmhttp://jnaudin.free.fr/meg/megv21.htm and got some kind of COP>1, but completely failed to utilize this COP>1 when tried to run it in self-sustaining mode. So, it is just a measurement mishap, not something real. Working free energy device absolutely should run in self-sustaining mode without any problems.
I tried with batteries too. Unforunately it does not charge one battery more than it drains another. So eventually I got two empty batteries. I also tried big electrolythic capacitors, to eliminate losses in batteries, but that does not work for me too.
IDK, there is more than decade passed, may be there was some breakthrough, but really, even if a trick with battery will work now, it is not a good idea - any battery have limited number of charge-discharge cycles, so you will have to periodically replace batteries with new ones. That does not look like free energy at all. It will be easier just to spend aluminium garbage to get electricity in the aluminium-air batteries. At least they always works, easy to build and give perfectly useable amount of electricity.
Please, do, I'm very interested in anything that have even a tiny part of some technology that allow us to get rid of energy yoke
As for free energy devices, I think the most promising are ones based one way or another on Cazimir effect. Effect is perfectly proven and reproduceable, and any math you use to explain it show a possibility of using that effect for energy harvesting. Also, seems that Cazimir effect is a key for warp-drives and force fields - latest from Harold White et. al https://doi.org/10.1140/epjc/s10052-021-09484-z
Didn't saw that thing, but it is a kind of MEG device. And prone to wrong measurements due to high frequency harmonics of pulses.
Simpliest device I saw was cheap china 12V1A LED power adapter. Measured input power was less than measured output. However, the secret was in extremely bad input filters and all my powermeters and multimeters just don't see sharp HF ringing on the edges of transformer pulses. That HF ringing carry significant part of power. Only after using oscilloscope on the input I found that "free" energy.
Interesting, that that kind of trick could be really used to cheat electric company, since electricity counters miss that HF part of input power too.
Mechanical counters are inertial, disc will not react to extremely narrow pulses, f.e. Electronic counters have ADC's that measure instantaneous voltage and current periodically and aproximate power by that points. If you will steal power between the sampling, that power will be unaccounted.
So, somehow that works, but, unfortunately not in the way we really need.
I think self-sustainability is a perfect marker for any free energy device. Say, by that parameter, joule thief circuit works perfectly. You don't need additional power source to collect free RF energy and transorm it to some useable form. As for MEG (and many other devices, from Bedini motors to some weird "torsion field generators") - I never heard anything about it running on its own.
Searl generator looks like something promising, but I don't know about any successfull replication, and AFAIK Searl himself don't want to disclose his secrets. There was attempts to replicate Searl generator even in Russian universities, I know about at least two attempts. But researchers published papers describing antigravity effects (mass of device become lower or higher, depending on rotation direction) and some power generation, but completely abandon that research and disassembled their devices, as revealed when other scientists tried to contact them about their research. Published papers was never replicated. IDK, scientists are not angels, may be that was just a hoax to get a publication, and that's all. It was not a rare thing in Russia at the time, and is not a rare thing in the whole world now. Tons written about "replication crisis" in science, mostly social and medical, but physics have it too, just at smaller scale. Really, I can't imagine a scientist who observed some completely unknown effect and very promising and practically useful effect in his experimetns and just droped the research.
Are there any devices that would be useful for longevity, rejuvenation, health and beauty? For example, there are some interesting new technologies using RF and IR for health and beauty treatments. Or Tesla's violet ray....
Try to check "Mishin coils" It is planar coils with specific winding feeded mostly with coil self resonance frequency, however some people use other frequencies, waveforms and even music to power that coils.
I don't know how it could be named in English and if there is some analog on the West, but try to use online translator on this Russian forum section https://x-faq.ru/index.php?board=174.0 You will find detailed instructions, diagrams, circuits and step-by-step howtos on building that devices.
Results are controversial. Mishin coils definitely somehow interact with humans, but whether it be positive or negative result, and on what things it depends is unclear. There are a lot of replication stories on the above forum, so judge yourself.
I know Tom's site https://cheniere.org for a long time. It is a good collection of interesting devices and ideas, but none of that devices was reproduced successfully, i.e. for generating energy in self-sustaining mode. We have Russian site https://x-faq.ru/ with forum where ordinary people trying to replicate any non-conventional device from free energy and antigravity generators to medical devices and vortex things and people really discussing the problems and results of their real experiments. There are tons of information, circuits, photos, descriptions on any possible "forbidden device", unfortunately in Russian only. But if you really interested in non-conventional devices, especially if you going to replicate one - this is definitely place to visit, discomfort with online translators worth it.
That had been resolved very fast. Like with DIY YBCO liquid nitrogen superconductor. Initally results of DIY attempts was unstable, but since components was not expensive or hard-to-find, many people tried to reproduce it and quickly find all nuances, and now you could find numerous HOWTOs and even YouTube videos with every detail you need to know to get stable and reproduceable result in making your own superconductor.
So, since we still have no such HOWTOs, at least it is suspicious.
I tried to build his MEG using data from http://jnaudin.free.fr/meg/meg.htm http://jnaudin.free.fr/meg/megv21.htm and got some kind of COP>1, but completely failed to utilize this COP>1 when tried to run it in self-sustaining mode. So, it is just a measurement mishap, not something real. Working free energy device absolutely should run in self-sustaining mode without any problems.
I tried with batteries too. Unforunately it does not charge one battery more than it drains another. So eventually I got two empty batteries. I also tried big electrolythic capacitors, to eliminate losses in batteries, but that does not work for me too.
IDK, there is more than decade passed, may be there was some breakthrough, but really, even if a trick with battery will work now, it is not a good idea - any battery have limited number of charge-discharge cycles, so you will have to periodically replace batteries with new ones. That does not look like free energy at all. It will be easier just to spend aluminium garbage to get electricity in the aluminium-air batteries. At least they always works, easy to build and give perfectly useable amount of electricity.
Please, do, I'm very interested in anything that have even a tiny part of some technology that allow us to get rid of energy yoke
As for free energy devices, I think the most promising are ones based one way or another on Cazimir effect. Effect is perfectly proven and reproduceable, and any math you use to explain it show a possibility of using that effect for energy harvesting. Also, seems that Cazimir effect is a key for warp-drives and force fields - latest from Harold White et. al https://doi.org/10.1140/epjc/s10052-021-09484-z
Didn't saw that thing, but it is a kind of MEG device. And prone to wrong measurements due to high frequency harmonics of pulses.
Simpliest device I saw was cheap china 12V1A LED power adapter. Measured input power was less than measured output. However, the secret was in extremely bad input filters and all my powermeters and multimeters just don't see sharp HF ringing on the edges of transformer pulses. That HF ringing carry significant part of power. Only after using oscilloscope on the input I found that "free" energy.
Interesting, that that kind of trick could be really used to cheat electric company, since electricity counters miss that HF part of input power too.
Mechanical counters are inertial, disc will not react to extremely narrow pulses, f.e. Electronic counters have ADC's that measure instantaneous voltage and current periodically and aproximate power by that points. If you will steal power between the sampling, that power will be unaccounted.
So, somehow that works, but, unfortunately not in the way we really need.
I think self-sustainability is a perfect marker for any free energy device. Say, by that parameter, joule thief circuit works perfectly. You don't need additional power source to collect free RF energy and transorm it to some useable form. As for MEG (and many other devices, from Bedini motors to some weird "torsion field generators") - I never heard anything about it running on its own.
Searl generator looks like something promising, but I don't know about any successfull replication, and AFAIK Searl himself don't want to disclose his secrets. There was attempts to replicate Searl generator even in Russian universities, I know about at least two attempts. But researchers published papers describing antigravity effects (mass of device become lower or higher, depending on rotation direction) and some power generation, but completely abandon that research and disassembled their devices, as revealed when other scientists tried to contact them about their research. Published papers was never replicated. IDK, scientists are not angels, may be that was just a hoax to get a publication, and that's all. It was not a rare thing in Russia at the time, and is not a rare thing in the whole world now. Tons written about "replication crisis" in science, mostly social and medical, but physics have it too, just at smaller scale. Really, I can't imagine a scientist who observed some completely unknown effect and very promising and practically useful effect in his experimetns and just droped the research.
Are there any devices that would be useful for longevity, rejuvenation, health and beauty? For example, there are some interesting new technologies using RF and IR for health and beauty treatments. Or Tesla's violet ray....
Thanks for all the info :)
Try to check "Mishin coils" It is planar coils with specific winding feeded mostly with coil self resonance frequency, however some people use other frequencies, waveforms and even music to power that coils.
I don't know how it could be named in English and if there is some analog on the West, but try to use online translator on this Russian forum section https://x-faq.ru/index.php?board=174.0 You will find detailed instructions, diagrams, circuits and step-by-step howtos on building that devices.
Results are controversial. Mishin coils definitely somehow interact with humans, but whether it be positive or negative result, and on what things it depends is unclear. There are a lot of replication stories on the above forum, so judge yourself.
That's because he was a fraud. Scientists publish their findings for replication! Especially when it is important and could save the world!