Isn’t Ukraine one of the poorest and most corrupt eastern european countries? If yes, it makes sense to me that they would allow these biolabs in exchange for cash money from
the US and possibly other countries. Likely the entire purpose of the labs was gain of function work and their government was able to charge the US through the nose for this work. Sadly if this theory is correct you can see that the money did not go toward bettering Ukraine for their citizens, it went to enriching corrupt politicians. Just like in the US.
Isn’t Ukraine one of the poorest and most corrupt eastern european countries? If yes, it makes sense to me that they would allow these biolabs in exchange for cash money from the US and possibly other countries. Likely the entire purpose of the labs was gain of function work and their government was able to charge the US through the nose for this work. Sadly if this theory is correct you can see that the money did not go toward bettering Ukraine for their citizens, it went to enriching corrupt politicians. Just like in the US.
The politicians only get a small slice of the pie. It's an athlete vs owner situation.