IDEN'TITY, noun - "sameness". Each one form (life) within all flow (inception towards death) represents a differentiation (form) out of the same whole (flow). Meanwhile; the parasitic few use miscegenation under the umbrellas "diversity" and "unity" to mix all the differences among the many back together. Why? Nature communicates itself by moving everything within; which each one within all perceives as moving differences aka inspiration to sustain oneself. If everything would be the same, then what would inspire each within to sustain self?
IDEN'TITY, noun - "sameness". Each one form (life) within all flow (inception towards death) represents a differentiation (form) out of the same whole (flow). Meanwhile; the parasitic few use miscegenation under the umbrellas "diversity" and "unity" to mix all the differences among the many back together. Why? Nature communicates itself by moving everything within; which each one within all perceives as moving differences aka inspiration to sustain oneself. If everything would be the same, then what would inspire each within to sustain self?