They're too convincing. And why is that? I've only known a few conspiracy people to outright lie. Ascertaining the truth amongst a world of lies is a very difficult process. You have to eventually believe that most of what MSM puts out is a lie. Is this really a coordinated effort to shut down the most intelligent and proactive amongst us? I think it is. I haven't seen a good documentary to watch in months. The internet is dying. Be prepared to save as much as I have, I have a TB dedicated to conspiracy content, but I also have another TB to shit I just I like and will watch/do in the end times.
I really hope most of your are alive. I believe that the time for they come for me is soon, but I'm not a man easily captured or killed.
I know. Everything nowadays is so murky, which is why I've headed back and started listening to Bill Coopers radio program again. It's all on and man, was he ahead of his time.
I do, ofc, check out the Corbett report for the news and what not. But even HE admits that shit is so murky today, that it's incredibly hard to decipher truth from fiction.