It's the dumbest narrative. A narrative of pure propaganda seasoned with how on Earth will they ever survive without Western brands, because the sanctions have reached critical mass. So they must be losing. Where by playing it over and over somebody else might hear it and beg them for a snickers. Because they're losing so much of the Ukraine, Kiev is holding out for the Australian nukes, despite being almost completely surrounded and cut off, as are virtually every larger population city beseiged.
But don't worry Russia has lost. Reports are of mounting casualties and a death toll so huge it's creating trains of Russian refugees demanding the Macdonalds.
It's the dumbest narrative. A narrative of pure propaganda seasoned with how on Earth will they ever survive without Western brands, because the sanctions have reached critical mass. So they must be losing. Where by playing it over and over somebody else might hear it and beg them for a snickers. Because they're losing so much of the Ukraine, Kiev is holding out for the Australian nukes, despite being almost completely surrounded and cut off, as are virtually every larger population city beseiged.
But don't worry Russia has lost. Reports are of mounting casualties and a death toll so huge it's creating trains of Russian refugees demanding the Macdonalds.
Hating Russians while claiming to be a democratic socialist is so Boomer cringe. Bet you jack it to James Bond fucking Russian girls.