The Pink Pill is 1 Red Pill and 2 White Pills mixed together. They are commonly found at websites like
Becoming addicted to Pink Pills leads you down a path where you will ultimately need to mainline a Clown Pill or a Purple Pill to survive when they run out of White Pills to keep the ratio correct. This happens because you're not accustomed to consuming Red Pills without a good mix of White Pills to soften them.
yup. banned from both patriots and donald. fuck em let them believe in politics. tbh many ppl who claim to be red pilled and agree with most of this still cannot accept that the history we were told about Hitler isn't true. The still see Hitler as being this awful leader. that bugs the shit outta me.
Those forums are totally controlling the narrative. They have rules that if broken you can be banned. They call it dooming, but basicly if you argue the current narratives they call it dooming and can ban you.
So basicly anything contrary to the narrative is illegal in those forums.
exactly. they want to stay in their make believe bubble but that's why I was banned for not sugar coating shit. let em get diabetes then.
They should ban obvious trolls like you.